I never unlocked any of the ships until THIS year, never on previous years and I still did not get a discount of any ship but the carrier. I unlocked all 3 on different characters, didn't matter, no discount for raider or chell. Has nothing to do with unlocking in previous years.
Soo I unlocked the Raider on my kdf and chell on my fed, first time first year, for 1000 photos. Its still cost 1000 for my alts. Never participated in past events so that isnt the problem. Same issue as this guy : Quote: Originally Posted by druidguylive View Post Adding my voice to this thread - I've just completed the…
I dont know what game as I have never played it...maybe Champions Online or whatever its called then. Under chat options, i scroll down to custom channels and The channel is not there...the other custom channels I am in are, just not the cross game channel. Also I have tried repeatedly tried to leave it undet the Chat…
I tried both of those options. I Click leave channel, get a warning I am leaving it, click ok, and it is still there. As for unchecking the box in the chat menu, it just shows up as a line without a checkbox to unclick.