I'm sorry to say, but if cryptic doesn't start being more genorous with the in-game buys; it's not going to stand a chance against games like Minecraft. People would much rather pay a fee to get admission to the game and unlimited access, then have a free-to-play game, with an annoying salesman at every corner!…
Great idea, it would also be cool if you could control and give it orders ( the escort I mean). Or, you could pilot the escort yourself( and the Odyssey,along with all of your abilities and weapons; would become NPC!
Your right, and I agree 100%! This game is very fun, but Cryptic and Perfect World are way too greedy. Isn't the very foundation of the United Federation of Planets generosity amd empathy?! I guess none of that matters out here does it? I look back, and this was all my fault, but still, we have spent over $150.00 on this…
And also, it should be noted that the Aquarius Escort combat pet came with a point defense system as well as Quads. Cryptic would be getting alot more clients if this destroyer came with Quad Cannons and a point defense system. THAN, it would be worth it!
Thanks for your input everybody. We're now thinking that we'll buy another escort, and perhaps buy the regular Aquarius Destroyer with our ever-so-increasing cache of fleet credits. Or, we could maybe buy the Oddyssey Star Cruiser, which is bound to be collectable...
The Science is better at survivalbility, but I say go with the Tactical Odyssey definitely. The Escort is useful, and the ship itself has extra power re-routed to weapons, and some to shields and auxillary. It is extremely powerful (Much beter than the carrier) and very resiliant.