My mistake it's actually 18750 zen so will not be buying it because how far back I am from the tv I looked like 10750 may just pick up a ship pack or maybe some keys and try my luck but still enjoying to game all the same.
It costs 10750 zen at the moment its got a -33% off till the 20th and you can buy 11000 zen from the playstation store for £79.99. As for alts ell will have one from each faction but that's probably about it.
Thanks for the information gonna pick up the tactical variant and see how she goes may level up my science officer as well. I was just going to focus just on pure dps and pick up a andorian escort but I like how the vesta has a hanger and can use cannons :cool:
Can I ask if these builds will go ok with an engineer ? I seem to play him more than my tactical officer and my science officer is still only a commander rank. Also since am looking to get the vesta should i buy just one type of ship (eng, sci, or tact) or get the bundle ?. Ive not played in ages so will need build up my…