there are many EV suits that cost loby or trough reputation dil, a dedicated slot would make sense even if the slot itself is freee if u want the fancy one u pay... P.S. would also make sense if that Red Angel suit would also be a EV suit.
looks to me Cryptic is pulling a "Neverwinter" maneuver on us with this, a rather big step in the wrong direction. Reinventing the wheel that turns our Boff powers, a revolution and no evolution lets hope that it will not have same outcome to, some wanted the new stuff...sales skyrocketed for few months yes,.. and then the…
now is Overpowered ! needs a internal cooldown of at least 30 sec or something and then needs to be cheaper, 200 loby is bit extreme. renders all other cooldown traits/ ship traits / doffs obsolete. what is now the worth of all the cooldown stuff we had already purchased over the years till now ?!
regardless of it costs dil or ZEN, bound or not, nice to see this comming our wey,.... what would rly make this even better would be a aditiohnal armor slot, exclusive for enviromentral suits...
i actually actively play 7 toons, have already hundreds of traits and most of the legendary bundles account unlocked and most of the Mudd's Market account unlocks already all around. However, - got them Talshiar Adapted ship collection on my sci toon, that i would rather put in Sci ship and will never fly them on. - Have…
seems.... interesting, but feels like is incompleate, maby will evolve with time.. a merging with the doff system might be a ideea -curent tier lvl ? didnt see it anywhere ,.. -xp bar does not update untill instance changes. -rewards i tink are to low considering u can only run a small nr of misions at a time , ... unlike…
New system sure looks better but,... only adds to the complexity of the manufacturing process, time required to spend on it widowt adding same amount of complexity to the nr or variations of items we are able to create with it ,... as it is to be implemented atm i c no real reason why any more ppl will go into it then have…