I can confirm this bug is still going on. There are other players who submitted tickets for this perhaps as far as a year ago. I get that these issues tend to get marked as low priority, but a year is ridiculous. :( The suggestion I keep getting from the game masters is to make it visible on the forums, so I'm being Mr.…
I can confirm this is still the case as well. Very discouraging this has gone on this long, especially for players that have these weapon types as their favorites, or are trying to do a species-based build, or when they've spent a lot of dilithium to upgrade them to their maximum potential. Come on, developers..... :(
I too am having these sorts of problems. Last night, starting in Safe mode seemed to allow me in, though I had to reset my graphics settings in the process. Now I can't log in at all, even with some of the same stuff being tried. I can't even Ctrl-Alt-Del to get out of it and try again, it doesn't switch screens, so I have…
Don't get me wrong, I don't actually fully expect it to HAPPEN. I brought this up in October 2015, as it turns out, and nothing happened then. It'd just be nice.
I thought of that. :P But I also took ground combat into consideration when I said that. Really, with the right build, ANYTHING can potentially be mild. With the right build.
Well that was cold. :p I base it on the fact that the Tholians' ships are way more durable than they should be, they LOVE to knock out weapons (and the bridge officer abilities and Iconian shields can't ALWAYS keep up with that), they got the webs (which are just annoying), and they seem to do damage that they just…
Hm. I never really had trouble with the Terran ships, unless I'm facing ten of them at once. Or unless I have to deal with one of those Nebulas in the BZ. For me, my revised threat level systems of the races, taking into account ground and space combat, goes like this (keep in mind it's based on my own experience):…
Pretty much this. And I think it's better to say that the whole franchise, on a deeper level, is actually HUMAN-biased. And why not? WE'RE human, you know, just playing Romulan and Klingon characters. Humans are easier to relate to and write for when you happen to BE one. :p This bias did get brought up in Star Trek VI.…
Now wait a minute. Just because they haven't announced them YET doesn't mean they WON'T. There is a new primary specialization coming out, along with ships explicitly said to function with a temporal flavor. Why, that's a lot like the intel, command, and pilot ships of yesterseason. Each one of THEM had a unique mechanic,…
I find it enjoyable. Its use is somewhat limited, but it does considerable damage to Terok Nor, Voth Citadels, and the like, and the bonuses (me being a plasma user) make it worth it. Plus it's nice to have a proper wave motion gun now. :D
Kinda makes sense since I see M'Tara being the "ego" to T'ket's "id" and L'Miren's "superego". She had T'ket's pride and fury with L'Miren's cautiousness and reason combined into one. Kinda represented both of them. Made her death in "Broken Circle" that much more effective at throwing them out of balance. Speaking of…
Here's an unanswered question: Instead of the whole Iconian council, now we just have ax-crazy T'Ket as our opponent, but......... how many Heralds has she got left? Near the beginning the devs said there could be BILLIONS of Heralds, and even with most of them out of the equation, she could have enough to pose a SERIOUS…
"The Other saved them before, and the Other will save them again" .......or something like that. Has everyone completely forgotten that?! I'm not a Delta Recruit and never have been, but I know that bit, and the temporal agents know something no one else does. It seems to imply that the Iconians are NOT, I repeat, NOT…
Looks like I got my answer. They turned it from an extremely dangerous timeline-altering doomsday weapon to a slightly less dangerous ship eating dreadnaught. It's kinda impressive...
Guys, first of all, though it's interesting to see this kind of discussion on this topic, remember that there are no such things as Iconians, Heralds, Romulans, et al. Good? Good. Second, have a little faith that the weapon ship won't actually be the end all of this entire thing. There are too many other plot threads left…
I can back this up in full, and it's exceedly difficult to prevent the Benthans from losing ships in the first place. The Benthan protection detail is near-impossible to pass, I can recall having done so probably once in my many playthroughs of the queue. Also, the timer countdown for the next wave is sometimes bugged to…
There was a time when I likely would have jumped all over the chance to get this thing. It's a science ship with a little extra punch and some neat little side features. Offers a choice to captains who might want a warship with a bit more of a science orientation (I have no complaints besides the lack of engineering…
I too must be on the side of anti-Thalaron, and frankly I'm disappointed it wasn't a plasma wave retrofit. That would've made SENSE, and still kept the nice effect. Well, still time for that, still time. ;) Seriously, this contravenes D'Tan's way (a Vulcan reunificationist, might I add), and totally flies in the face of…