Rumor is that the server isn't down, but the normal hamster that powers the game had to leave do an unexpected pregnancy his girl friend called with the news and her father was really bummed that she got knocked up by a hamster that had such a low paying job. So the real truth is that her father showed up a cryptic server…
Question With the new patch today and the new BO system it seems that Cannon Scatter Volley 3 is now gone from the list of craftable manuals. Is there anyway to train SCV3 on a BO and if not can this be address. SCV3 for a cannon ship is important. We need this skill back in game soon. Please do not put cannons at a…
Agree with everything the DPS league stated in Porch's post. If NWS is removed just one more poor decision on the part of game management. What STO needs are the problems which constantly ruin the enjoyably of the game resolved. Bridge officers falling off their stations. Sever not responding. Games crashes, Trays loosing…
Does anyone out there have a spare blue pill if so could you send it to cryptic. Because the "Moment is right" to get the server up. Delta rising IS the best expansion ever
This is why you never post any thing in the forums that advise players on how to speed up grinding because the management does NOT want you to speed it up. Thanks for posting and bringing attention to this NOT!
stock unit specs below Kinectic cutting beam mk12 dmgx3 555.6 kinetic damage 444.5 dps Upgraded to mk 13 specs below Kinectic cutting beam mk13 551 kinetic damage 440.8 dps Anyone see an issue here? The dmgx3 was not forgotten on the mk13 unit its gone from the tooltips and lower dps. Either tooltips are wrong or the…
BAD MOVE ! Never take away skills or items that a player has earned through time spent in game and the rep system represents a very large chunk of time spent grinding for many players. If grinding for traits does not appeal to you no problem but taking away the use of a trait is wrong. 1. If existing traits were broken fix…
I Agree there are FOUR lights. PW get you act together. Between this issue the grind which never ends and the bugs I see many veteran players leaving this is very sad!!!!! PVP only got lip service, however to be fair this company does do well with content. and additions to the game. grade C- to bad could be an A+.