Hrmmm.... looks like Level3 fixed all there issues yesterday, or so they tweeted. STO on 2nd day without working. Hard to believe Cryptic isn't having problems on their end.
Same problem here as well. My tracert looks good as well. This rules out the internet. It's a Cryptic issue. Oh wait, here is goes again.... Postlogin2_timedout ....
So is this something we are going to see in the future or has it been taken off the list. I personally would love to see it now that we can reach Dahar Master. It kind of goes with the territory the game has established. Every Dahar Master in game wears the pimp coat. I want mine please.
I think new system leaves a lot to be desired and I am not happy with it. The new advanced should be the old elite, and the rewards should be the same, not equal to the old normal system. Elite STF's should be whatever you got, but the timer should be increased to give you a good run at it. And of course it should reward…
Well then this sounds like a complete waste of time. Cryptic, you should really considering revamping your crafting system so it is inline with your other reputation systems, etc. that you have in game. Oh wait, that is what this is.... ... my bad. I'm sure you tried your very best and these are the results of your team…
Oh please please make this happen. I have dreamed on walking the Hall of Heroes as well as the streets of Qo'Nos in one of these pimp coats since 2010! I can't think of a single thing in game that I could want more than that. And I willing to do any amount of grinding to get it done.
I can't figure if this system is set up so that one character can craft everything needed for an account or if this like the old system and we need one crafter per faction. Please help!
Just so I am clear, we only have a 10% for very rare (purple) at max level for all gear but the new craftable school gear will come very rare with a chance of elite? Please confirm. If the above assumption is correct, then this new system is DOA. You can stop making blogs about it, I'm threw. What else are we getting with…
Not with my materials you don't. I don't plan on investing a dime for any chance less than 99.9999999999% of a VR at any mark level or any item. I notice when I purchase items through the Fleet or Faction reputation system, I am not playing the odds for VR or MK XII. You're telling me you spent resources developing a…
We will have see how supportive the OP is when he is starting his 3rd run for weapon. I imagine this forum is going to be replete with those stories. And they are not going to be happy.
Popped onto Tribble to verify the chance for crit. Yep, there it was. Thanks for committing the resources to try and improving this game function that was once one of the best things about STO. Unfortunately, I have no intention of committing my resources for "maybe". There may be some of the player base that it is…
Translation: It's broke. We don't know why. We will give you an ETA when we figure it out. blah blah blah... At least they finally came off Twitter and posted on their very own company forums.
It never ceases to amaze me how a company with their own personal forums use Twitter (and other social media) to update their status. I still say that whoever is doing the reasoning, like this example, is the problem and not the answer. It keeps Cryptic a 2nd rate developer.
Maybe the App for server failure is located on the same server that went down? It would not be a hard stretch to believe..... These are the same guys that took out all the ingame currency to hep streamline everything only to put it back with x5 more and dilithium. I wouldn't put it past them. ... just saying.
This issue isn't just Europe. I am in the US and I can't access it. I wonder if Cryptic knows about their failure yet? It is pretty early in Cali right now.
This analogy doesn't seem correct. These powers were improved, but they weren't doubled and some were changed completely. A correct analogy would be that you took 8 nickles, and added the option of 4, 7.5 cent pieces or new nickles with a 1 cent adder making a 6 cent piece. This would mean we lost $0.40 and gained between…
Well, I could use a couple extra days considering I lost time yesterday and the past weekend. I would appreciate the time back, maybe throw in a couple more as well.
Thank you for the meaningful reply. I was not sure if this was a new tactic to force players into their mold, which others so obviously accept, or it was some new repressive game play. Thanks again....
Yeah, why does it have to be more complicated that that? If it has been a revenue stream since it was implemented, why should that change now? Why should it be restricted to what Cryptic wants instead of what it's players want? Why are you, as player, supporting that policy?