I just reached Rank 3 Diplomacy. First Contact missions are still completely broken. It might have something to do with bridge officers abandoning their stations during map loads. Every time the observation lounge map loads, 4 out of 5 of my bridge officer stations are empty. However, I even tried setting every station to…
I'm not implying that they are. I'd describe it more as a Venn diagram. That's pretty much a given. It's how business works. Every company is going to fall short of plenty of people's expectations, though. And everyone seems to think they know how to run a business.
*sigh* That's not the part that's a selection bias. Asking only existing customers is the selection bias. Would you expect any answer other than, "We want to be taken care of"? Besides that, it completely ignores the larger point of whether focusing on "attracting new players" or focusing on "taking care of existing…
Even taking the OP at his word that he doesn't own a cell ship, he is essentially complaining about Cryptic/PWE fixing this thing that doesn't affect him, while not fixing this other thing that does affect him. To be fair, though, I think "self-centered" would be a more appropriate label than "greedy" in this case.
Of course we would; we're existing customers. That's selection bias. To use a "current issues" analogy, it's similar to asking white people if racism is still an issue (most will say "no"), while not asking black people (most of whom would say "yes"), and then declaring that racism is not an issue. I'd imagine that the…
For the past week, whenever someone asked how much longer they had to get their ship, people responded with "until the 4th". There were a few that claimed the 5th, but most people answering the question knew it was the 4th. Still, it's not unreasonable to expect that if Cryptic says "the 5th" in two out of three locations…