Well in DS9 Bashir is from the UK so not that surprising that he'd know and be able to quote this poem. O'Brian is Irish so not that far a hop that he'd know the poem too (especially with his military background). Also Charge of the light brigade is about heroism under fire when facing against a overwhelming enemy. While…
I'd like some fleet orientated missions. Maybe Fleet vs Fleet or FvE to fight for control of fleet planetary holdings. These holdings could then provide the fleet with modest amounts of fleet provisions each day. Each region providing different amounts\types. This could lead to some nice inter-fleet ground wars and fleet…
I made sure I repaired every ship. The counter went to 5/5 and the next part was activated with the marker on the map. I'll try warping out and in and see if this fixes it. Thanks for the help :) Jinx
Thanks again. I think I'm definatly going to get a Defiant. It's always been my favorite ship since I first saw it in DS9. I think it's the no nonsence look of it and the forward firing cannons that made me want one. As long as it can handle PvE I'm going to be happy. I'm not looking to get the best ship atm, I'm just…
Thanks for the fast replies. At the moment I'm not after the best ship in the game so as long as the Defiant can hold it's own I'm still going to aim for one. I was just a bit put off after reading some negative comments about it. I think I'll have a look for a noob friendly fleet a bit later. Sounds a bit better than the…