that comment obviously wasn't meant to get a response. i was pointing out that he was wrong in saying this thread was done the moment i posted the original post. and as for how im going to handle this/what i said in here, i have one thing to say. nothing ever changes or gets done if everyone stays quiet. i have been…
saying, post a video of the judge laughing at my stupidity is the same as calling me stupid. personal attack. saying i dont have one iota of a brain cell, personal attack. now that is repeated hate speech directed at me. i wasnt being rude or attacking anyone in any of my posts. you sir, are outta line and reported again…
He's also making up laws to support his claims, but that's another issue. just because i cant quote the law on it word for word doesn't mean im making it up.
yes i did contact customer support. they told me to post it in the forum under bug report, which i did at least a month ago now without a single response.
and now im going to report you for personally attacking me. im not making demands or ultimatiums. im simply say what im going to do to if this isnt resolved
its the law. defective/broken product. either fix it or give a refund. there is always the replace it but we are dealing in computer code so replacing it without a fix is pointless
go ahead and make fun of me but when i have had issues with a product that i payed for, for over a month now and this company does nothing about it. doesnt even respond to and acknowledge my post in the bug report section. and then tries to tell me that xbox live is the people that i have to talk to too get....not even my…
i have gotten reports from people in the fleet that im in that the people that use science ships dont have their subsystem targeting anymore either. i dont understand why you guys haven't even bothered to respond to this bug report. i would think that making your customers happy would be a top priority. i for one can…
i cant make a new topic (stupid if you ask me) but none of my science ships have their subsystem tageting abilities anymore. i made a ticket but they told me to come here