I have finished the gamma reputation at tier 6 I have completed the sponsor project However, he has not given me anything and has not had any consequence with the other characters I have spent 20,000 of dilithium in for nothing
>:) >:) >:) Now I understand why the game is not repaired. It's more important to do these TRIBBLE Meanwhile all the ships that separate the saucers are broken New romulus does not work And still more But not that not Well, congratulations on not doing anything productive :'( :'( :'(
Is not cleaner the person who cleans more, is the one that messes little If you repair 10% of the game, but you damage 30% You are a mess that's my opinion note: I barely know English, I used the google translator If there are misspellings or the sentence is not well written I hope not to offend anyone
The team is investigating! It is true? When they do not have the decency to respond in the forum. Since they launch it in console, have been completely abandoned to pc users. One problem after another First and foremost is the Klingon scarf, which repair these serious problems It is a pity They're killing Star Trek Online…
The team is investigating! It is true? When they do not have the decency to respond in the forum. Since they launch it in console, have been completely abandoned to pc users. One problem after another First and foremost is the Klingon scarf, which repair these serious problems It is a pity They're killing Star Trek Online…
I happening my odyssey with engines look bad, like some other models mingle attached image https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw-xul9SQ4YPWGlnZkNYS3NRcHc/view?usp=sharing