I have noticed that Gorn BOff rewards for DOff missions frequently appear to be purple/very rare quality, yet once they are commissioned, they are only blue/rare quality. Even when they have two superior traits on the hover-over, once commissioned, the only have one. I have been noticing this problem with the Gorn on my…
Indeed! The ARC app logs me in just fine; however, the Perfect World app itself refuses to log me in. Is this issue likely to persist? It says only that it is unable to authenticate, connection to the server timed out. In less than five seconds!
Kaylanth makes a valid point! There are a great many people who have daytime jobs that prevent them from being able to log in between 1000 and 1800. So all of those people just get boned. 24 hours or perhaps running the same flash sale more than once at different times.
In my humble opinion, No-Win Scenario was much more fun and a superior PvE compared to Kobiyashi-Maru. The good thing is that the reward unlocks account wide after purchase. Still, I find this PvE to be rife with problems No-Win Scenario didn't have, like the suicidal freighter Captain. I know this is an attempt at a space…
There likely won't be any fix before next year's Winter Event, if at all. They will more-than-likely simply remove the offending epohhs from the game. Also, has anyone else had the experience of certain factions not gaining access to certain epohhs? For the whole event now, my Fed toon has not gotten the first Cherry, my…
Funny!! This is pretty funny, ALL boxes, lock boxes, R&D boxes, DO boxes, and these "prize" boxes are nothing but money sinks, always have been. For those opening a multitude of boxes, hoping to get something specific, that you doin't already have, your best bet is to trade your tokens up in quality until you can get the…
[/quote]the article mentions that the requisition project gets replaced - account wide - with a bonus project.[/quote] Good catch, thank you for paying attention to the details.
I mean, I could see that happening back when the ship only was character unlock and you had to do it on everyone you wanted the ship on, sure. But now when it's account unlock so you only have to do it on one? Not so much.[/quote] Has it been confirmed that this ship is account unlocked, from what has been posted, it says…
I would like to know why when I finished Revalations on my main character a couple of months ago, the Vaadwaur cluster Torpedo was only rare quality, with a single modifier, yet now it is very rare quality with additional modifiers. Yet, it is impossible for me to replay the mission and get an improved Torpedo. So what,…
Would these be DOffs purchased on the Exchange? I recently bought a few DOffs from the Exchange so I could accomplish a Diplomatic Mission, only to discover that, while the DOffs are taking up space in my roster, they are completely unusable for missions. Any missions.
Why does the Perfect World site make it so difficult to redeem a prepaid card? Nowhere on any of the pages dealing with billing or My Wallet does it ever say "Redeem Prepaid Card!" Is it possible to Redeem a prepaid card, or does Perfect World no longer recognize/acknowledge prepaid cards?