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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc

captreljak Arc User



  • its 1031 pm at my place last time i logged in was at 10 am before the work sto did anyone esle been on since or this a new issue?
  • cant login because it says a file is locked when i tried to open sto everything was fine today before the update. i just got home from work an bam no sto im like wth!!!! this game is really tickin me off even tho im not a member i spend my hard earned cash to buy zen to purchase ships and other gear for this game when is…
  • i havent been ina fleet for over 2 months probably finally decide to make one with some friends i have made they all got in the fleet right after leaving the fleet they are in but noooo not meeeeeee im sure sto will fix it but when it takes a lot of time to build a starbase an a bunch of bull if ya ask me that this is…
  • Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\wbauto> C:\Documents and Settings\wbauto>tracert patchsever.crypticstudios.com Unable to resolve target system name patchsever.crypticstudios.com. C:\Documents and Settings\wbauto> tracert…