I can confirm these; I'm about 95% certain it's the Cardie Heavy Phaser Emplacement. Ran into one on Smash and Grab (was too low to spawn the Galor, I suppose) and again at the Alhena daily. Interestingly, I was repeatedly one-shot in both missions by the emplacement; speculation now, but I'm wondering if it's not…
I concur; this is what I ran into when I had my failed race. It's possible this may be a symptom of lag; so many people on Day 1 are stressing things and accidentally extending the window to accept a race?
Probably related: I keep hearing some of Hakeev's dialogue and the Klingon War Song from Doomsday Machine while on Drozana. Seems to be limited to the wing with the Lobi vendor.
I was able to get the email address from one of Bran's other postings; I've sent in a report and gotten confirmation it's in queue, but I suspect that will be the end of it. Interestingly, it's not the redirect error stopping me from sending it in through normal channels; I can't even get that far. The pulldown menu to…
The shortage is in my STO store balance. Which is why I'm so concerned, because this should not be in any way possible. I did just check my PWE Wallet just in case; that doesn't show any transaction history in the past 6 months. You're right though, I should have been clearer on that point. Any ideas on how to bring this…
Taco: Related to this (and S7-applicable), the same issue seems to be happening on New Romulus. The fenced-off areas around the Ruins contain a glow like a dozen suns, washing out whatever was supposed to be inside. Not quite as graphics-card killing as the MU instances thankfully, but immediately recognizable as a similar…
You can do it without a Catian as well, for the record; there's a couple stepping-crates by the console along the left wall you can use to jump up onto the ledge running along the perimeter. You may want to try rolling at the height of the jump for that little extra bit of height. And yes, it's only decorative; I'm sure…
I'm running into the same error as well; two Golds and three freebies, all with 20+ hours on the clock. Has anyone else heard anything? I'd submit a ticket, but well...