I am ready, Kar'Fi flyer 99% of the time nothing has gotten me out of it except for the odd trait or two from the other ships. Then right back to my ole girl :D
yeah they did that because it was doing more then what it was supposed to do and was intended to do, and it might seem like a nerf but with my science kdf character i am still doing good numbers with my gravity well from testing on tribble. it ALL DEPENDS NOT ON COOLDOWN it DEPENDS ON YOUR ROTATION OF ABILITY.
sounds like fun, I spend roughly 1-2hours on tribble to test stuff and see where and how different skills/items/ or powers, work and if they work the way they are stated or if they don't.
If anyone needs a recording device here is open broadcaster software, it is free to download and use. https://obsproject.com/download I have had him review with me as well and just the few minor tweaks i have seen a good improvement... Go Go Go Go There is no where to go but up :)
just sitting here watching the comments and eating my freshly popped popcorn with the tears of the whiners, and it taste so so sweet. Revenge is a Dish best served cold XD
C:\Windows\system32>tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 3 ms 2 ms 3 ms MyRouter.Home [] 2 10 ms 10 ms 18 ms h1.224.117.75.dynamic.ip.windstream.net [75.117. 224.1] 3 12 ms 17 ms 9 ms…
good job Bort on the good work and thanks for the timely and courteous anwser, be safe, be warm, stay smexy and sleep naked. (Banished Orion Girls Quote :D ) Matriarch Neela D'tan Banished Orion Girls
There are also the role players and the people that go to the different radio parties to dance, listen to music and socialize and making new friend. Supspace-Radio.net, KirtangPirateRadio.com, etc. There is so much to the game then numbers and grinding there is a social side to it to.
This is awesome, i can see many many areas from Neverwinter making there way here and i love that ideas are going back and forth between each team of devs for the respective games.
Hello, I am having issue getting a char to tribble because when i am at the transfer page, is and go to select tribble and the char i want, it won't select at all.
Vice-Admiral Jazdia Marie Daxs personal log Stardate: 308378.09 I have received a communique from Admiral Quinn concerning the Dyson Spheres and the Delta Quadrant. Admiral Quinn has told me that Starfleet, the Klingon High Council and the Romulan Republic have talked about the battle against the Voth and the return of…
Fleet Name: Banished Orion Girls Link to image of Fleet Logo: logo is the fleet patch in game, don't have a link to it General Theme (if any): We are a tight knit family of friends and sisters, we help with each other with builds, pve, pvp, overall just getting better at the game. (no drama we don't like drama queens)…
* Name: Jazdia Maria Dax * Species: Joined Trill * Type: A * Sentence: 5 years, * Requirements: level 6 forcefield * [Outside communications allowed for special occasions * [Inmate allowed out of cell to go to mess and lounge area, Open cell I am former Jazdia Marie Dax, sent to 4028 for 5 years for trying to kill Franklin…
i liked the clusters, but the mission generator needs to go and a complete overall of the clusters would be amazing and some of the roleplayers would love it and respect them for revamping it