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captainretset Arc User



  • Same problem here. Lost a nice photon torpedo launcher [CRTD]x2 [PEN] to it. I have screenshotted a weapon in production and at collection if it is of interest to a dev. The issue is totally reproducible. The only variable seems to be that sometimes the stats show as changed when the item is ready to collect and sometimes…
  • Oh dear, I've bought the Borg one now! Still, I've always liked the set so I am sure I'll be OK but will definitely invest in a Res B if I stop being scared and do some PVP :o
  • As a Rom Sci, I also picked the Ha'nom. Perhaps as my Fed and KDF have been escort flying tacs, I felt let down with the turn rate and fire power of the Ha'nom and my idea to do something different this time paled! I got all possible T'Varos in order to build a Fleet one and really liked the ship. I also tried a Mirror…
  • Thanks all. I have decided to get the Assimilated Shield Mk XII for use now and will invest in an Elite Fleet one if/when I get into PVP.
  • IIRC, I would have to buy the whole MACO set to unlock the Adapted one? Too rich for me if that's the case.
  • So, that's what I did! I built this today: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=retsetsambassador_4313 It's all made from stuff taken from ships in the hangar. Nothing spent apart from a few doff training fees. When I got the Ambassador, I found it could do about 6K in ISE using 3XDBB, a torp and 4 turrets. Same score…
  • Sorry, not built it yet! Last time I had the Ambassador out of the hangar, it would do 6K in ISE. This was with either single cannons and turrets or DBBs and turrets. What I want to try is a full beam build with AtB but time is a bit short at the moment.
  • I have tried it before with limited success. This thread has inspired me to have another go at an ATB cruiser. I don't have an Excelsior but, ofc, have the free Ambassador so will try something like this: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=7756741&postcount=496
  • You are very welcome. You know I found out? I told somebody the ship customiser was bugged and all skins were the same and they put me right ..... ;)
  • You haven't got the shield visuals enabled, do you? It carries over to the customiser and some are very shiny.
  • This is my Corvette build. I have been using a fleet T'varo, firstly as a transphasic torp boat and latterly as an escort. I simply moved over all the gear and BOFFs and bought a cheap warp core. I don't quite have the rep I need yet and haven't paid a visit to the fleet stores so I am sure there is much more to come. I…
  • I bought it to use as a torp boat. Did a transphasic build with Breen set. It wasn't bad but I mainly ESTF and was uncloaked with minimal shields much of the time and cloaked and unshielded the rest - not ideal! I have rebuilt it conventionally with 3 disruptor DHC, a photon torp, KCB and 2 turrets. I'm not buying rep gear…
  • Excellent video. Thanks for all the hard work. Something else to chew over whilst I decide whether, or not, to splurge my 5000 (DL ground) Zen.
  • Thanks for the info - given me something to chew on.
  • Would going for a Fleet DD (assuming T4 shipyard) be a good option? This would just need the EC to get some fleet modules from the exchange and leave precious Zen intact for the moment. I ask for the OP and myself. The dedicated consoles would be missing, of course, but I wonder how much of a loss this would be.
  • I wouldn't fret about it being gone - all you get for it is 200DL
  • I have been running the fleet version for a while. I am not certain it is optimal and have only done ESTFs with it but I am using: Breen cluster, RR Transphasic, Hargh'Peng and a regular Transphasic up front. Transphasic mines, a quantum and bio-neural at the rear. I have the full Breen kit (+30% transphasic damage), both…
  • I just use the 3 part Borg set. I keep trying to change the shield for a MACO one but with little success: Once it is down it takes a while to rebuild, even with EPtS and TSS and an aux bat. The Borg shield does not have a massive capacity but it rebuilds quickly and you get a once per 3 mins TB for free. I can't remember…
  • I'm a Tac and have just got my Vo'Quv out of the hangar for a few weeks variety. It has 6 phasers beams (how very non canon ..) plus Elite Scorpions and Advanced B'Rel. A lot of the rest is badly optimised as I don't want to retrain my BOFFs for this short interlude. It deals 4500dps in ESTFs which is the bare minimum I am…
  • I used one for a few weeks on my Tac. I used the Rom Hyper Torp plus lots of +PLA Embassy consoles and plasma infusers/weapons. I varied the build between single cannons and turrets and 3 DBBs and turrets. The second was unusual but with chained EPTS and EPTW, never suffered badly on power. It parsed about 6500 on elite…
  • I was just about to start Defera hards and got a disconnect. Cannot get back in. Launcher dead. I guess the whole thing is FUBAR again. I'm off to watch 'The Shield' instead ..
  • My build is similar to the above. 3 DHC, a hyper-plasm torp, 3 turrets and the KCB. All plasma weapons boosted by the zero point console and 3 embassy +PLA -THR consoles. I use full Borg space set plus the assim module and an A2B build almost exactly as above. The sci powers are reversed and I have ET3 not RSP2. This is…
  • Thanks to the OP for starting this thread. As a result of it I have joined the Imperial Romulan Strike Force and, have to say, they seem a lovely bunch of people :D On first impressions, I recommend them to you.
  • Good point, captainpanix. I came on here to see why it was late, forgetting we (UK) moved to BST a few weeks ago which is UTC+01.00.
  • Ah, you can scrap the question; I worked out my own answer by looking at the projects in my more active KDF fleet. I see certain projects include provisions as a reward. I guess in my fleet, it is progressing too slowly and some people are spending the provisions the second they appear. I guess this is the problem with…
  • Do we know what the nerfs are? If it means no more dragon builds then I will think again about a Fleet Excelsior.
  • Hey, that's really good! I just ran a comparison on each faction between a ship I own and a ship I am considering - works really well; I can see the answer at a glance. Bookmarked!
  • A few pages back, I said I was having fun with my Ambassador after months of escort flying. I'm still using it and have decided to buy some modules for EC and get the Fleet Exclesior in a few weeks when we reach T3. I decided my Klingon would have to get back in on the cruiser action so hangared the Bug and blew the dust…
  • I will add that the free Breen ship (if you got it) can be turned into a very mean ESTF tool. At the moment I am using the free Ambassador which, again, you might have. With a plasma build using reputation/fleet/exchange gear and nothing fancy/lobi it scores first place on most ESTFs I do with DPS scores often exceeding…
  • I love how fast they regenerate. The auto shield heal isn't massive but still a plus, as is the once per 3 minutes tractor beam. I really like the Borg 3 piece for ESTFs etc. According to ACT, the hull heal (which you get with 2 pieces) does over half my healing. Handy on the builds where I have prioritised offence over…