I just tested with a T1 Connie and a T5 Steamrunner. Without the Samsar console Engineering Team 1 gives 2220,7 hp. With the console, Eng Team 1 gives +2812 HP That comes out to a proper 26.6% However, on my Steamrunner,without console +7371 hp, and with, 8025.2 significantly less of a percentage bonus; 8.87% bonus.
They increased the MAXIMUM to 50. You still only get X ship slots to begin with and need to spend zen for more. Shame they didn't give a few free, but it doesn't cost much IIRC
I'm assuming you don't have an account bank. You can mail items to yourself at a mailbox, but not money. Only way I know of for transferring money is said account bank. You can get it on the CStore, but i don't remember how much. Or it's free if you're a gold member
I restarted the mission because of the middle glitching out and appearing all black. Set my graphics to a higher setting, and noticed something interesting; The figure wasn't there. Is everyone running in low settings?
I could understand a technical, behind the scenes, non-lore reason for the figure in the latest FE - Being there to actually do the sniper shot - but for the other mission, I've got nothing. I'm thinking it's a bug but who knows. We'll see what happens.
We can either stop posting or wait for a moderator to lock the thread. Or revive it, but that would be bad. So nobody reply to me. Nobody come in this thread. By the time you've read this, it's already too late. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
My question is, will there be a free item for each faction each day? Romulans didn't get anything for the summer giveaway, which was quite a bummer. I don't have any cstore romulan goodies, so that would be good for me. I wouldn't expect the Mogh/Avenger/Scimitar but who knows?
You've made it hard to quote your additions to his quote, but the "Four weapons below the main weapons" you're referring to is the subsystem targeting of any Sci ship.
It'll say like "Nausicaan Science Bridge Officer Candidate" or similar. That'll be in a different colour based on rarity. I do think they should have something for colorblind people, though.
Actually guys, having played this game since long before F2P, I can confirm that what the OP says used to be true; The Defiant's cloak WAS a built in ability; all ship powers were. The NX class's grappler I can also confirm. I don't quite remember when they changed it, though I'm pretty sure when the MVAE came out, its…
What reward are you looking for, exactly? The Odyssey and Bortas are available with Fleet Credits now...if you want those, JOIN A FLEET! The first anniversary did not give much of anything that I can remember...so basically, all anniversary rewards are available already.