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What is the Arc Client?
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captaincreos Arc User



  • if they want to compete with the Tv show seasons then every "season" we need 22-24 featured episodes. then maybe we can talk about it compairing. until then apples to oranges. It is pretty sweet that this game has made it 4 years in February!
  • a uniform bug i've found is none of my characters can wear the fleet emblem anymore. i used to work then they fleet changed the emblem and now it just says invalid part everytime i try and use it.
  • we are all stuck in the nexus!
  • There are always those that will be eager for lock boxes. just like there are always those eager to fly halfway across the country to sit in a smoky room in the middle of the desert hitting a button on a machine. addictions are bad. I'm Very happy to see the client make it to the mac! thats great news. Not for me…
  • I'd like to see them take a different approach. Instead of a rep grind/fleet grind, they spend some time working out the itemization system. For example they could revamp crafting into a rep style system that lets us craft some unique comparable gear to the rep gear (preferably they break the appearance skin off from the…
  • does this mean we are moving in the general direction of a linux native client? i know not yet or anytime soon however it sounds like its getting easier for linux user than before. Would love a full linux port. moving away from IE is a big step. hopefully the lessons learned in the mac client can help lead to a full linux…
  • those are some stunning interiors. I've been waiting since launch to have some really cool interiors. (besides on my defiant). Which brings me to my questions. 1. did i read it correctly that we are going to be able to have mission on our interiors? 2. are previously released interiors (defiant) going to be given the same…
  • i like the one the game has always had, i'd just like to see my defiant on the screen when i go to warp....
  • the short version of my feedback is, no to ARC. It's not a matter or resources or system specs, i don't want it at all. If it advertises anything other than STO to me it fails. If it uses my internet for any service PWe wants to provide it fails. I don't need a special overlay for chat, mail, web browsing or whatever…
  • You're right i don't know what happens behind the scenes. All i know is what crpytic chooses to tell us, it was Stahl himself that said they where successful so i can only assume that he knows what he's talking about. My point about the pacing was that they came out when cryptic said they would and cryptic picked the…
  • As someone who has followed this game from the beginning this is very disingenuous. The Featured Episodes where a huge hit, i remember the servers crashing form all the people logging in to try and play the missions on saturday mornings (this was in the pay to play days). I remember the massive praise on the forums (with a…