Cryptic Studios needs to have better representation from CBS/Paramount. John Van Citters, the current Star Trek Lore King of CBS/Paramount used to visit Cryptic Studios at least twice a year before the Covid-19 Pandemic started. 2020, 2021 and 2022 have been INSANE for Star Trek TV in general. Star Trek Online and Star…
yeah I'm really sick of having the weapons I had during 2 patches ago come up whenever I beam back to ESD or something. I hope its fixed soon. kinda tired of it.
Oh Hai. I was mentioned. I figured I should mention the reason I really want Past Imperfect back is because Federation Characters doe not have access to the rewards. Past Imperfect was one of the first old missions to have Unique style type rewards. Efficient Engines, Plasmatic-Disruptors, The huge cap shield, Type 1…
I could see her being a captain of a shiny big new cruiser. where she is the one spreading the story of the Maqui and the biggest irony would be that her first officer of her new shiny ship is a Cardassian. preferably also a woman. and she needs your captain no matter what faction to tell the tales of the Maqui.
While we're doing this. How bout making some Steam Trading Cards and Emotes, Badges for your games? I'd love to show a Level 5 Sto badge next to a Level 1 Foil Badge. There are already 2 games on Steam related to Star Trek that do this.
Considering we already have the Universe Class and KDF/Rom variants. I am all for this. Just would love for some kind of cruiser aspect to them. giant TRIBBLE things should be cruisers.
I don't mind ground at all. I have weapons of all types and styles and my BOFFs nuke everything within a 10 feet ratio. they all have Mk XV Lobi weapons as well. so whenever there is a kill said species they make it fast.
Speaking of. I hope TomCat makes T6 versions of Star Cruiser[Not Oddy],Deep Space Science Vessel and Patrol Escort. those ships have always had amazing designs.