Ahh...hadn't considered the hitbox...; I'll try a little trickery by putting the ship next to an object, then tweaking the camera position so said object is off-camera while forcing the camera to stay on the ship...usually works....
Got my Carrier last night, but for some reason, it's not allowing me to zoom in as close to it as I can with other ships, unless this thing is bigger than it looks...; anyone else having this problem?
While I'm obviously disappointed that I didn't win, given the quality of those who DID, I'm not surprised.... Guess I'll need to find another way to achieve my ingame immortality...maybe I can finally convince myself to brave the Foundry and create a story that's been brewing in my head for close to 2 years.... <_<;
I love it! :D Interesting twists on battles, and I honestly wish some of these small craft events/stfs would become permanent! I don't even care about the marks, personally; I'm just having fun working with some screwball setup ideas, especially on my Delta Flyer and Class-F Shuttle!
For what it's worth, I've noticed a pattern in these(and via ingame mail to a lesser extent) requests, as of late...; they all seem to, somewhere in the part after the @, have a hashtag(#), followed by a 4-digit number...I've noticed quite a few of these lurking on Risa; most are in Fleets and a slight majority appear to…
Well, that's it... ...we got the T6 Miranda that players have been begging for, for ages...nothing more to see here, let's all go home.... :D But seriously, from one of the most ardent T6 Nebula requesters, congrats folks, you did it!
That's basically what I did for the 2 shots I -just- submitted...I have a 3rd I'd like to submit, but have NO CLUE on how to scale it up enough to make it fit into the required minimum resolution....
I would've gotten a better picture, but I'm afraid my PC will implode if I try anything higher than renderscale 2.... ...that said, if someone else gets a shot of my ship at a far better visual setting, am I allowed to use that picture instead of my current entry, or am I required to stay with my original entry?
Having trouble getting mine to show up as a picture, rather than a link.... >_<; I've no idea how to link a picture from imgur -and- get it to appear as a picture, like other pics in this thread...*sad sigh*...little help, someone?
What about a holodeck room-based tribute? There's already the space for it at SF Academy...you go to the door, click an interactable box, and you find yourself in a museum display on the moon.... :)
When I bought the T6 Nebula, I had enough Zen leftover to buy the Venture skin, as well...-almost- did, but it just didn't quite entice me enough.... :D
I'm sure anyone who knows me knows that it was a banner day for me when I bought my T6 Nebula...basically, it was my Christmas present to myself...and with a little luck, this pic link will work! :D https://reddit.com/r/STOscreenshots/comments/5hbnie/uss_chattanooga_ncc92824d/
Was only able to open 23 boxes here(including the free daily ones)...; yeah, I'm dirt poor, but, for the record, here were my results.... 12 UC 7 Rare 4 Very Rare Quite a few of the R/VR boxes were converted to UC, simply so I could clean out the emotes, snag the Radan tribble, and get a ton of upgrades...though I -did-…
Not sure what changed, in-game tech wise between Delta Rising and Lighting 2.0, but, fearing the worst as I've mentioned before, I switched back to DX 11 mode a few days ago to see what would happen...; also kept Lighting 2.0 disabled and, as before, nearly every visual setting at low or off(as I favor performance over…