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What is the Arc Client?
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calicowall Arc User



  • There are no prices to check; no listings for the beets whatsoever. I assume that there's still a bottleneck on the supply... :(
  • I'm off to fight Tholians! Thanks :D
  • I voted to improve exploration. I haven't been playing all that long, and the cannon Star Trek universe it starting to seem pretty claustrophobic... I think that it's been scaled down just little too much. Don't mistake me, I'm not trying to knock the Developers here. Some things are kind of bugging me though; why aren't…
  • I noticed the same thing; Pips will not change, as they're no longer an selectable part of the Boff or character uniforms. So far as the "missing parts" NPC "problem", I just took some screenshots for posterity :D It looked pretty neat, and there's no real harm in it anyway (unless it busted your suspension of disbelief).
  • Sort of an additional question after-the-fact: How do I view my alien character's build/stats/traits now (in-game)? I seem to remember assigning Telepathy, but can't recall all the specifics. What do I do to find a "Character Sheet"; there're small sections for the Doffs and Boffs, but not me. I seem to be missing…
  • I sort of feel your pain mall405a... and I do mean sort of. I remeber momentarily thinking the exact same thing the first time I puchased the electronic credits. I stopped myself quickly, thinking: I am turning real money into imaginary electronic money. It no longer has value outside of a fictional, digital world. I am a…