Most of us f2p gamers are working two jobs just to make ends meet. We don't have time to play 3 characters and do those dilithium missions for that kind of time investment. Just saying. Thanks for the Peregring fighter info!
Yea I have my reputations up to tier 3 and working on those ship items. But the Dil to Zen really just takes so long and I don't get to play enough to make that viable. Everyone has been super cool in my post and thanks so much for not bashing me for being a f2p here at sto. Some of us just don't have the cash to spare. I…
Thanks for all the quick replies! I think I will work hard to get the anniversary ship today when the servers come back up and buy the delta flyer for my shuttle when I get that zen. Thanks everyone for your experience and information! :):)
So what are a f2p gamers options at the lvl 60 limit for ships? We don't get a lvl 50 ship and unless we buy something off the exchange is there any other option?
Yea. I have been researching the consoles and Boff stations and really didn't see that much of a difference so that is what was confusing me. So it's really more about how you have trained your skills and your Boff space abilities more than which ship? I completely understand the paying players do (and should) have better…