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What is the Arc Client?
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burnsidhe Arc User



  • Here's another report; the random clearing and complete removal of all assigned traits on a character has hit my Jem'Hadar Vanguard. Since STO doesn't bother to keep any kind of character build list to refer to, there does not seem to be a way to rebuild my character short of starting a new one, writing down the traits…
  • Uses Flash, not HTML5. Smart people have disabled / uninstalled Flash Player due to the massive number of security holes it has.
  • After playing through Time in a Bottle once, I was immediately struck by the idea that the Iconians are the Borg all grown up. Pity the *ahem* timeline doesn't support that.
  • A strange spike in traffic? Sounds like a DDOS.
  • The best thing about separating PvE power and equipment and ship properties from PvP power and equipment and ship properties, is the end of the "death spiral" that results in the developers spending increasing amounts of time re-balancing all the PvE content to match the PvP changes. That's a big chunk of what killed Star…