Oh TRIBBLE! That means I'm screwed too also have ATI x1200 card. I've been playing for a few years now, have come across the crash while loading before, took them ages to fix. Guess this time won't be any different if I'll ever be able to get in game again. Current error is 34318276 Sigh, I enjoyed the game too.
Add me to the list, I'm in new zealand if that makes any difference(not that it will) No clue of a fix? It was fine when I went to bed last night. First thing I did was restart windows, no difference. Then came looking, to see its not just me. Edit: just saw my join date. I've been playing this game for almost 2years. Love…
Hey Q, long time no see. Where is my coffee? :mad: Seriously though, I doubt they would take sto down at this time with such short notice without good reason. When I was on earlier, I had constant lag issues, not good trying to do defera hards. Live long and prosper!