As a old time player who remembers the many nights of playing this for hours on end Please Devs Bring it back permanently in all its epic glory us Kirk Protege's will thank you
Will we See the Scimitar Warbird become a a playable Ship via Z-store, Lockbox or Lobi? and Any Chance of introducing more of the cast of the star trek shows as characters in game or a episode or series
To Quote Khan in regards to the ambassador class it mocks me it mocks me and i must have it i will walk the rings of nebir cross the antaress maelstrom and go through perditions flames before i give up on aquiring that ship but hope all goes well and we are up soon
raise the level cap to say 60 and add the ranks of admiral and fleet admiral for fed and general and dahar master for KDF also make the master keys general drops and add a full set of Star trek 2 to 6 uniforms with full set of rank from ensign to fleet admiral