There was no scrolling for me 99% of the time, because I made my window big enough so that everything showed except for the DOFFs. Now I have to do a bunch of extra clicking, with no way around it. Of course it wouldn't be nearly as important if the "All" category worked right.
I have this issue too. I do a lot of STFs, and it used to happen occasionally, but now it happens all the time. I can tell it's not just that my commands aren't getting through, because my ship doesn't always coast in a perfectly straight line; it kind of twitches to one side or the other like it's malfunctioning.
If people want to do something like fight the Borg in a Tier 1 ship, they should be allowed to do it--in a private match. PUGs should be set up to promote a good game experience for people who take the objectives seriously.