[rant] Where does all my money go? certainly not in to upgrading the abacus' they call servers. Open the casing on the thing, let more cool air flow thru...lol New content = more client logins => more system lag and DCs. Time to upgrade the ol 'Binford 900' cryptic, hopefully before season10 and not a week into it like in…
lol, just cant get used to RPG mode, shooter is what im used to. you cant really move and strike at melee attacks in RPG mode since you gotta use keyb for both
I hear ya arnthebard, and you probably rite, this'll never happen. But i still like the idea of being able to retire unused ships, the Zakdorn's junkyard from TNG seems appropriate. Thoughts ? -bouge
yep, all good comments, but i was speaking to the "stupidity" of the Boffs themselves for walking into the line of fire. I just think it worth investing time in improving the away team's AI.
I like the idea of retiring a stale toon too, but dunno about releasing your bound stuff to other toons tho. How about when your toon retires, his/her possessions are evaluated and sold off for dil/lobi to the lobi consortium or to the Zakdorn's junkyard around Qualor II. the higher the quality = higher payout. -bouge
i did read the thread before, your missing the point, the content exists, the means to see it thru should as well.. its the 'continuity error' in the storyline for breen ship players thats the complaint, its a small issue, but worth the mention. -Bouge
The Bathleth tournament mission can only be completed by setting your trophy in your ship's crew quarters/galley....Breen ship's dont have crew quarter decks. to finish the mission you have to change to a ship w/ crew quarts. Maybee they dont need corridors, but at least it should include the areas to complete the game…
my bad, it seems just the oberth.... upon further investigating i found that i was confused with a few 'science console geared' ships...lol, my bad -Bouge P.S. im not 'on' today, bored and excited about new update
[release notes jan 29th] Secondary deflector slots have been added to all science ships. ... ... The following Science ships now come with a Secondary Deflector slot: ... .... ... so, which is it, all science ships or the ones in the list ?
Game stabililty has got worst since the latest "game stability update", all of a sudden there is a visual lag as soon as near any other player (especially in ground mode) ... strange since i havent changed any game settings, of course i then tried recommended fixes such as lowering graphic quality etc... at the lowest…
Add a selection of hats in the head attachments..... guinan's.... mark twain's ... data holme's deer stalker .... the navy uniform hat's from first contact... etc