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bottle0rum Arc User



  • The shorts are only in the 150 lobi pack, not the 200 lobi pack where they are pictured. Y U do dis Cryptic? Stop with the bait and switch already. You guys switched the contents of the packs.
  • This worked for me, thank you so very much for posting a real workaround. One note though, you won't go through the door when the game is paused, but unpausing will allow you through and you should get an accolade immediately after. That's how you'll know it worked.
  • This problem has come back. Deleting shadercache.hogg does absolutely NOTHING to alleviate the problem.
  • Here's mine. Looks like something is bottlenecking in the alter.net neck of the woods, wherever that is. Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops 1 10 ms 1 ms 1 ms myrouter.home [] 2 8 ms 9 ms 10 ms L100.TAMPFL-VFTTP-127.verizon-gni.net [] 3 16 ms 20 ms 19 ms G0-13-4-6.TAMPFL-LCR-21.verizon-gni.net [130.81.…
  • This doesn't work. You've been told that in at least two different threads now. Can we please get some help with this issue instead of a run around? By the way, one of the threads saying your "fix" doesn't work is the very thread you linked.
  • This doesn't work. I still redownload shadercache.hogg EVERY time there's a patch. And it ALWAYS slows the patcher down to a crawl. Is there a reason this file is patched every time there's a patch? And why does it slow down to a crawl? Another issue I have is, why is it that every computer I have looked at with a copy of…
  • I have the same issue. The patcher takes forever just to connect to the patch server and when it finally does, it patches quickly until it reaches around 60%, and then it slows to a crawl and ALWAYS, since LoR, takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours to download something that's only about a couple hundred megabytes in…
  • I've noticed the same thing. The collision area for those ships, as well as the Ha'apax and its variants, and possibly the Tal Shiar Adapted cruiser have enormous hitboxes. About 5 times the actual size of the ship. It makes for some terrible ramming speed accidents as well.
  • If you don't have a fleet and would like to join one, visit The TOS Veterans. There we have many capable science captains doing what apparently is impossible in the eyes of the previous posters. You can get plenty of advice from our forums. You can also contact me in-game. My handle is the same as my forum name. I'll be…
  • Infusers will increase the plasma damage over time proc component of your torpedoes. As an example, the omega torpedo can do upwards of double its own kinetic damage. And the plasma energy bolt becomes a slow-moving mass of horrifying death. I highly recommend not using plasma torpedoes plus high yield abilities without…
  • I wish I could see the looks on all your faces when you see the next video Vexashen posts.
  • Soloed Infected Space Elite? Uh huh, tell me another one. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! And don't use the excuse that I was there, helped you start the instance, and watch you blow my optional by taking too long to kill the tac cube in time either, cause I ain't havin' it.
  • Gateway is still not working after upgrading to Internet Explorer 10. I'm running Windows 7.
  • Here's my intrepid build from the test http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=stormyintrepid_0 Upgrade the gear to your heart's content, and just basically fly circles if you want, or keep nose on target when enemies are everywhere while using fire at will.
  • I have the same issue, Windows 7, running Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421.
  • Those doffs only lower the cooldown on pets summoned by devices, not kit or captain abilities per the description. Have you tried using the Shard of possibilities or a Horta or mugato pet device with and without the doff? They work just fine for me while using those.
  • I'm having the same issue. Every time I use rapid fire my Kumari wing cannons go from dealing ~5800 damage per hit to only dealing ~1100 damage per hit. All my other cannons damage is unchanged. The wing cannons apparently don't play well with boff cannon abilities AT ALL.
  • I just opened a Fleet Support Duty Officer Pack and received a green quality male vulcan projectile weapons officer named "TRIBBLE".
  • Are you sure you aren't trying to slot a doff from the wrong faction?
  • We also had the problem of the force field never dropping so that we could leave the starting area. There wasn't anything to interact with anywhere either.