I have a little additional information I can share with you, to answer a few common questions that've come up here and elsewhere. In the new system, we've attempted to account for the average Dilithium earnings that Events of this type account for across our playerbase, in the form of a series of tweaks being made to the…
Not everybody has access to Spire consoles. Not everyone wishes to join a Fleet in order to gain access to Spire Consoles. These consoles represent a viable alternative in a similar play space.
Could those of that were still experiencing Invalid Skills issues on Tribble please try again? This may have been caused by a server-side setting which we were able to change without downtime. Hoping that it allows the fix to go through as originally intended. Please let us know!
"Is the reward account-bound?" Completing the 14-day Project rewards an account-wide unlock to claim the Beacon of Kahless on other characters on your account. The three Featured TFO Reward Boxes are only rewarded to the first character on your account that completes the Project, but may be traded via your Account Bank to…
Hey Folks. Just wanted to pop in for a quick response, summarizing some of the feedback thus far. First, I'll quote myself from Twitter here: "Further review" is obviously open to a lot of interpretation (purposefully!), but could include considerations that have been mentioned here by players. Things like region-specific…
A few corrections have been made to the Blog: The correct bundle pricing is 4000 Zen, not the 5000 Zen that was originally listed. Consoles on both variants were incorrect. Correct arrangements should be: Non-Fleet: 4 Tac, 2 Eng, 4 Sci Fleet: 5 Tac, 2 Eng, 4 Sci The Ketha is not a Raider, and references to flanking and…
Oops! Just an oversight. This ship has access to two Cruiser Command Auras: Shield Frequency Modulation and Weapon System Efficiency. EDIT: The blog has been updated. Thanks, AmbassadorKael!
These are all entirely-new starships, that don't share customization with any existing ships in terms of physical pieces. They do, however, share some material and window options with existing ships. There are additional Set Bonuses for each of these sets of ship consoles: Jem'Hadar Vanguard, and Cardassian Intel. I will…
Heads up, it looks as though some of the stats on this ship aren't quite what we'd intended. Notably that it should have 11 Consoles instead of 10. We're investigating this, and will update the ship asap.
Vanity Pet Tab is something many of us on this side of the game are interested in. But it's a lot of Technology and UI time we've got to prioritize for other game improvements, so for now it's a "maybe someday, we hope" sort of feature. As for additional R&D storage ... well, just to give you an idea of what we're up…
You're asking if there's any sort of weighting at play in this variance? There is not. It should be completely randomized, never favoring one end of the scale or the other.
The mention of "crew" here is just flavoring for the ability. It's just triggered by incoming hull damage. More details will be in the ship stats blog.
Black Alert will summon duplicates of your current ship. Just like when using items like Photonic Displacement or other "clone yourself" abilities in STO, this copies your costume-level customizations, but cannot copy things like Vanity Shields/Deflectors.
Thanks for the feedback so far! It's great to see players already experimenting with the system! I have a couple quick responses for you this morning: 1) We didn't put Salvage on the Drozana vendor on purpose, so that you'd need to try out the Salvage mechanic. It needs just as much testing as Re-Engineering, to ensure…
Good morning folks! I have a few quick responses to share, to some of the questions asked here and elsewhere. Hopefully this sheds more light on this exciting new system. 1) Salvaging items also provides a small amount of crafting materials, in addition to the new Salvage numeric. The amount and type are determined by what…
Anything in common with the other report? Which sequence was required and/or that Plasma Purge was set to activate? Also, do either of you know which ability to activated to finalize the last part of the required sequence?
No, this is just an error in the blog. They also have Lieutenant-rank hybrid seats. Operations = Lieutenant Tactical should be Lieutenant Tactical/Miracle Worker Science = Lieutenant Tactical should be Lieutenant Tactical/Miracle Worker Tactical = Lieutenant Science should be Lieutenant Science/Miracle Worker The blog will…
The N'kaam can be upgraded to T5-U with the use of a Ship Upgrade Token. If this happens, it gains the following benefits: * Scaling Hull Strength: 0.9 (27,000 at level 40, 31,050 at level 50 and 36,000 at level 60) * +1 Science Console * Starship Mastery Package (Scout Ship)* Precise Weapon Systems (+Weapon Accuracy) *…
Nothing insidious here. We're moving those values to a place in the UI where they can be automatically generated instead of being entered by hand as text, in order to assure accuracy in case of future tuning. In a future update, the current automation value will appear on your fleet's Coffer tab. Thanks for the additional…