Ingame @handle: Jinx@Eulrich Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): FED Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Engineer/Odyssey Science Cruiser Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.): German, English Interested mainly in space or ground?:…
I tried PeanutLabs and SponsorPay. Both companies threw me a few bones... I mean, ZEN. Summed up it might even be about 1000 ZEN over the course of three months, but for those I have done surveys, lotteries etc. worth at least 5000 ZEN on paper. But don't you think it was that easy... I had to write about three to five…
Euhm... I am from Europe (bad, bad Germany). I read guides, follow the lead, listen and don't ignore anyone (not including trolls). Just for the record.
Well, I'd say it depends largely on your playstyle. Personally, I have been, am and will be a tank player. For me, cruisers are the weapon, I mean starship, of choice. It may take you longer to kill the bad guys, but you won't have to fear your own death. But that's just me. Someone who is a dps player at heart will surely…