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bluedarky Arc User



  • Designing a new ship isn't a big enough technical hurdle to stop a faction being made, if it was we wouldn't have new ships being released at least once a month, hell if designing a ship was a big enough technical hurdle to stop a faction being made we're never getting another faction ever. There's no lying or desperation…
  • Two points, 1. It's not a technical hurdle at all, it's a marketing one. 2. No one in this thread has been fanatical, in fact you're the most fanatical with how dead set against it you are.
  • I think he got confused when after a long work day I put Yesterdays Enterprise instead of Temporal Ambassador, an honest mistake although his reaction was ridiculously OTT considering almost everyone else who's commented figured out what I meant.
  • I thought we'd just celebrated our seventh anniversary, not our 15th. However, the missions in question are intended as cross faction missions and as such would have placeholders for future factions, Rugen Skyle is present in every cross faction mission involving diplomats, and is an interactable NPC whilst looking for…
  • Really, I wasn't aware that there were Xindi, Kobali, and Defari in the 2600 arc and Temporal Ambassador as well, where did I miss them?
  • Has any of the naysayers thought that the reason why there is a Cardassian representative at all these cross-faction conferences is precisely to ensure they have development room in the storyline for Cardassians?
  • The issue with that is that it starts branching far too much and prevents using any of the story elements in future storylines. From a future writing prospective it's far easier to keep everyone in the same plot area. Also holding the World Heart hostage wouldn't work, they teleported you onto their ship and as others have…
  • For the uninitiated into Pseudo Random Number Generators, a PRNG uses a seed number then puts it through various calculations to get the random numbers, for a single player game, providing you don't need hundreds of numbers generated per second, your processors clock speed is usually sufficiently random enough to generate…
  • Alien Biology + Advanced Medical care + Stolen Iconian Genetic Technology = People in power look as old as they please.
  • World of Warcraft has had dungeon stopping bugs, the most famous of which was fixed in Cataclysm by the removal of the Dungeon.
  • As others have said it was in part arrogance and partly over-preparing, however one thing they didn't count on was Alliance technicians reverse engineering the sphere technology as fast as we did.
  • * Most technological advancements in Star Trek are made by humanity, it's their defining point of the Star Trek universe. Hell, the advancements in Technology over the last hundred years in real life alone is an anomaly within historical reference, we've gone from a culture where getting a message halfway round the world…
  • How can they make that distinction in Butterfly? As far as the characters are concerned the original timeship never got beyond the concept stage. Also you can tell that it doesn't have the same Temporal Phase Shielding as the original by one simple fact, THAT THE BORG WERE SHOOTING AT IT! There is no plot hole. And your…
  • Because pretty much the entire Alliance fleet, especially the ones who knew about the plan and what to do in the past, were at Earth attempting to defend it from the Iconians.
  • Not quite true, the original timeship had temporal phase shielding, meaning that it existed outside of time and space and as such, the only way to reverse the effects it had was through turning it's weapon on itself, this also had the added bonus of rendering the timeship undetectable by ships in normal space, at least…
  • The issue was that we needed T'Ket to lead us to the gateway they'd be using to evacuate, the only way for us to complete our mission at that point was to convince T'Ket to take us to it.
  • Nope, T'Ket was already a genocidal maniac intent on taking down as many as possible as she fought to her certain death, the only way to get her to move was to instill an idea of vengeance within her mind and the idea that it could allow her to kill billions in exchange for every dead iconian.
  • It's not the first time the victors in a war vilified the losers, and it won't be the last. After all which is easier to stomach telling your kids, "The Iconians were monsters we lived in fear of and had to destroy," or "They wouldn't share their toys so we smashed them up and tried to find out how to make them from the…
  • Lets do something completely crazy, lets pretend for a moment that everything that was said in the mission about Earth being effectively the Alliance's last stand against the Iconians and losing Earth meant losing the war. The initial Dominion force was 5 ships, without the time travel shenanigans Earth was lost, if the…
  • Actually, the way it was worded in Sphere of Influence wasn't clear on whether they would win or not, just that they wanted to ensure a power base in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants (which they do have now btw) before attacking the Dominion. Plus even with the Dominion on our side we have suffered massive loses previously, (66.6%…
  • Sure, ok, you go and tell the side that was literally about to annihilate Earth and effectively end this entire conflict and only agreed not to do so on the promise that they'd be left alone for as long as they wished that they have to answer for the lives the war cost. Let's see how that plays out. We didn't win the war,…
  • The only time L'Miren saw you before that was when she was grieving over her fallen sister and blinded by sorrow and rage. Every other interaction with an Iconian has been either M'tara or T'Ket.
  • Minimal design? Are we playing the same game, because the game I've been playing has had 10 new locations, several new NPC models, an entire new enemy group with full ground and space compliments, and several new ships and abilities added in the last 6 months alone. That's not minimal design, that's hundreds of man hours…
  • Do the Sheliak have definitive proof that these colonies are indeed degraded and were part of the Sheliak in the previous timeline. Also in the event they can present said evidence, I'd like to propose that any Federation colonies from the other timeline that are now Sheliak colonies in this timeline be counted as already…
  • Both, the pool of goo is the seed the preservers used. But yes, there are massive instances of inconsistency in canon Star Trek episodes that can't just be handwaved away.
  • Actually the fact that an alien lifeform probably wouldn't find our bodies habitable probably wouldn't stop them trying, nor would it stop them doing massive damage in their attempt. In fact that fact could make it worse.
  • Also the ending to War of the Worlds is fully intended to be ironic in nature, in that the mighty alien invaders who defeated mankinds advanced weaponry at every turn were defeated by creatures so tiny we often forget they exist. It also highlights something that will be a major issue when we start exploring the galaxy and…
  • The writing is subjective so commenting on that is a waste of time. However I never said that it was system limitations, I'm well aware that the main reason for the lack of observable changes in the overworld was financial (creating an entire new overworld that would only exist for a single season isn't a viable use of…
  • Actually the lack of immersion is simply down to the fact that you have 3-4 weeks downtime with no visible sign of the war ingame (an unfortunate necessity due to the open world nature of the game). Had the missions come out all at once you'd have burnt through them on the edge of your seat, not noticed the lack of changes…
  • Ultimately the conflict with the MU boils down to them being that player in C&C games who waits until someone has barely defended another players assault to send their troops at them for an attempt at an easy victory.