Not many a2b around since its just not required as much with triats and im mainly seeing sci ships and escorts...that said however I'm running single a2b, single cannon build (keeping it real;))on my command cruiser with great success! Sure you can't use mk12 weps anymore,no way, but once you have maxed your weps out...I…
I think this forum would be a lot nicer if we all started sharing builds again! Would certainly help new guys. I remember DDIS thread was great when starting out!
You really need to stop spouting this PvP is dead nonsense, especially if you don't log in anymore, its tiresome. PvP today is no less broken than when you played, but its still fun. Only difference is a2b is not the best meta choice anymore and with additonal skills like collapse ENG now has more options along with tacs…
Would it not be better to boost the PvP mods instead thus creating a market for them? Currently its critd or nothing which is the actual problem with the mods, thrust snare, dam are all just as 'useless' in comparison. If the pvpmod increased HP, shields and/or resistances significantly in PvP only I think it could be a…
Ah yes that's interesing I've never actually run a torp boat with no pwo doffs before. I guess because I always like to run breen on the rear so I want some form of increased cooldown there. Could then be interesting to run 3x the new xindi pwo doff and 4 torps up front...then use an omni on the back...hmmm
You shouldn't have any cd issues with that setup. However you will if you add the omega torp fore and keep the other three. You would need to slot a vaadwar torp, been cluster or bio neural if you want 4 torps fore. You could also run a beam.instead to proc a bo doff in lieu of a 4th fore torp.
Speaking of 'per shot' I know about tet glider and dem but is there anything else since? Overwhelm emitters? Radiant iconian tier 4 trait? Embassy plasma explosion consoles?
Without knowing specifics. experiment with 2 rather than 3 projectile doffs. I'm guessing your talking 2 photons and neutronic torp. Make sure the slowest torp is slotted far left left eg.the neutronic. You know if you have too many doffs because your big red blob won't fire:)
Anyone tried an oldskool transphasic build since the preserver set has been released? With the RandD trait and preserved console adding a lot of shield pen it may be worth it again. I took my old t5 tvaro out the dry docks and with two rapid reloads and the preserver torp it seems to work well. I'm also running 4 piece…
This and also when you enter arena you should be able to temporarily pick from every ship trait in the game and get a set number of temp spec points...a PvP load out if you will.
I agree the sci consoles are crazy good in PvP right now but I do not think they are in anyway a priority to fix over PARTGENS! Tbr, fbp, iso cannon, new FE sci ability stacked with the new ENG ability is absolutely ridiculous damage, also the ships that van stack theses abilities can also run 5 embassy consoles!
I find single a2b the way to go on the presidio, combined with ahod to maximize cooldown on the long cooldown stuff like, structural integrity collapse, attack patterns and dem. Very powerful ship...
I'm also having trouble fathoming this ability, I have no idea if its doing anything, visually I can't tell and it doesn't appear to be better than crf with dhc.
I have both and yes its squishier but with 'hold together' and the immunity from pilot manuevers I don't have much issue. Hold together with barrel roll gives me a 40k hull heal:)
Gotta say..well done on the pilot ships! Pilot maneuvers really add a new dimesnion to the game, they look and feel cool..the animation s are awesome....this is why us kdf love the gurumba so much...nothing beats the gurumba animation but when I got my pilot ship I had that similar child-like grin again!... I hope this…
My main runs a full partgen scryer...its beyond op, if you can't see that your in denial or your build is seriously flawed. I would remove tac captian abilities buffing sci powers. Tacs are the only class that truely benefit from using another classes ship, i know this would upset alot of players but i cant see an…
Kinda wondering why the old 2 ships are being retired, I was looking forward to having the 3 piece set. The only logical conclusion is that we are getting an all new t6 risian corvette pilot ship....its going to be incredible...hope I'm right..
Hehe t6 has to happen eventually. T6bop..can't much as I'd like it to have manuevers (in fact would be nice for all ships as it's solo much my pilot ship) it would go against how the other specialised ship releases have gone and would undermine them. However I'm guessing its likely the…
Just give us a free delta t6 kdf temporal time ship on the 21st ;) I can't see anything more sexy than the temporal ship for kdf even at t5u its awesome.
The gurumba is easily the best designed ship in the game and probably the most desired at t6 outside of or at least on par with a bop...they obviously don't like money!