I was affected by this bug and have been accumulating progress tokens prior to the fix. I am also noticing the inventory tokens are disappearing as well, beyond the automated one at login. Has anyone else been losing tokens from their inventories beyond the first? Wondering if they are possibly considered a food item that…
What annoys me most about lockbox drops is when they drop in the same space as other drops and there's no way to select items other than the lockbox, you can't tell which option is the box. Would be nice if they added an icon for lockboxes or remove them from dropping all together since you can now get stacks of them for…
I would like to sink X amount of GPL for a Ferengi Vanity Shield "Grand Proxy Vanity Shield" or "FCA Liquidator Vanity Shield" to gold plate the hull with.
It's too bad that don't have something like a gateway system where you could do some doffing, admiralty, fleet holdings and even store purchases via desktop, tablet, or smartphone. just sayin'
It looks like there is no way to acquire a training manual for "Tactical Team 1 (23c.)" or "Engineering Team 1 (23c.)", these appear to be the only 23c skills that are unobtainable via manual. My plan was to load up Skavrin, T'Met, and Tarsi with all the 23c skills. I noticed the Bridge Officer Trainer does not offer these…
RE: Significance of 11001001... It's the names of the 4 Bynars who did the upgrades. "One Zero" and "Zero One" are the first 2 Bynars that are introduced. The next 2 Bynars are the ones that Riker interrupts with "I thought there were only 2 of you?". I don't think the next 2 had their names announced but they are listed…