wow, no this is not a troll post and I don't want free stuff, I want Cryptic to wake up not everyone and aford to buy 200 f'ing R&D packs. some are on a fixed income so getting angry over the fact that they didn't offer the T6 TOS Connie another way... is why I am mad... Come on Cryptic wake up and offer it a different way…
...I understand that... while I may not be happy with the fact that they screwed us by taunting those of us that are limited in funds to buy that ship no they gave us a 1/10th chance to get it....
No comment, and to the audience... I will keep posting until Cryptic bans me or until I just walk away... and Sarcasm will only get you so far in this world.
that's what I am saying CBS is not going to be happy if they don't make more money they can make more if the offered the Connie in the C-store or even in the lobi store
lol true, but what I am getting at is the fact that they offered it in the most F'ed up way possible and not to mention they could have done it in many different ways. "You could buy the ship off the exchange and not worry about the rest of it..." yeah GL on that one pal... I have been waiting for that but the people that…
So let me get this straight, they claim that people cannot understand the current system as it is too complex, However people search for the complaints and do not find them now Cryptic is going to put in an even more confusing skill system I am a lifetime player and I have several reasons to quit this game now this adds…