Outfits? Really? Get your priorities straight, How about fixing the bugs first? Maybe actually do some lag reduction work? Something to actually make the game enjoyable without wanting to straight up Hulk Smash Rage Quit it :mad::mad::mad::mad::
Ok you have seriously misunderstood me on what i was saying. Kudos to him, I'm just saying if you're gonna issue a DPS challenge do it where (A) Its not with a practiced team buffing the hell out of you, And (B) its not on Tribble do it on Holodeck where the rest of us do it, With the lag and constant rubber-banding LAG?…
Who cares honestly? Dont TRIBBLE and moan about everything just cuz its not to your liking. Use your own brain and work around it with different strategies and tactics. All I hear is alot of delicious buthurt QQ SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP and deal with it
Y is it whenever a dps discussion is brought forth its always watch Ryan he knows what to do? Heres a news flash for ya Ryan isnt the end all be all hes good ill give him that, But he plays with a select few who buff the **** out of him so he can get those high numbers. And stop posting tips and tricks in forums for DPS we…
Again epic craptic fail and u wonder y youre player base is diminishing YOUR SERVERS ARE TRIBBLE YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS TRIBBLE YOURE GAME HAS BECOME TRIBBLE