You're right, they don't like european players... at least they don't like them enough to show up at their office in the middle of the night, when, as shown in recent studies, humans have the best attention to detail potential. But I'm sure, would you work for a gaming company, you'd like american players so much, you'd…
If there were at least two... in the support forum a dev said that the Walker only claimable in the 25th century is working as intended. I don't understand the logic behind that, but that's how it is. Luckily I was able to claim mine before they "fixed" that.
I was able to claim the ship in the c-store without any beaming and such at 23rd century academy one and a half weeks ago. But several of my friends are telling me that they can buy the pack, but can't claim the ship. I'd be surprised if you can't claim the one AoD C-Store ship available in the AoD time...
I just queue for all the TFOs I want and play what pops. Is it a pitty, Starbase Fleet Defense hasn't popped in ages? Of course it is, but I keep queuing it nevertheless.
There are plenty of 5-rounds-and-die premades available via vorious channels... I do that myself in case my time is limited. Just don't expect that in pugs.
The really annoying thing about this maintenance is that you have to consult facebook, twitter, and the like if you want an update if it's being extended... I neither do facebook nor twitter, and I don't see why I should as long as there is an official forum.
Don't mix the IT that's a service to the business you're working in with a game company... And by the way, they're began maintenance at 5 am local time, that's early in the morning for them.
They're not pulling a nightshift with all the extra-paying and people generally being more prone to errors at night, just to annoy other people around the globe... get over it.
This one really is a little annoying, as the "shirt simple" uses another color palette than the discovery uniforms, and it's therefore impossible to get it to match.
I've filed a ticket, and created a thread here, in the forums: This was the answer: Makes one wonder if the "Known Issues" section in the patch notes are some kind of "Best of Known Issues"...
Finished round 17, and we all died in round 18 in a timed match. It was a sudden death moment oz of nowhere, we still had plenty of time, and I was getting my hopes up to earn the emote. Edit: It was a pug...
afaik you either have to have played for mor than 20 hours or purchased zen with real money to use zone chat with a new account. but there's always local chat, although very few react to local chat.