Just stopping in to add my agreement to everyone else's comments here. Those dailies were what was motivating me to keep playing; easily the best addition to the game while I've been active. I was really hoping that system could be spread to the older adventure zones as well - just much more fun than most every other…
As perhaps is to be expected from a corporate release, there is no mention of the downsides suffered during this year. Each release has been plagued by bugs, culminating in a significant number of players being unable to enter the game for what comes to a full month of this last year. It would be nice to think that the…
Personally, I'm fairly confident that this update will fix my problem (in spite of download limits preventing me from testing it on Tribble). I expect that no compensation will be offered to people who have been unable to connect during this time - simply given the lack of communication on the issue and the general posture…
Branflakes: The comments about the 25664664 users look unhelpful after this long (if the problem could be solved with those steps I doubt the players involved would have been offline for 3 weeks) but at least constitute a response, which is nice. Could you follow that up by answering some of our other questions please?…
To be honest, the wait right now is the one that bites at me the hardest. Until we had a fix, all we could do was trust that people were working on one. But now we have a fix. Given the nature of the Thanksgiving holiday, I was grumpily willing to understand the copy being put off over the weekend. But now that the weekend…
For the sake of confirming, I am also still unable to enter the game; 18897741 continues. Not that I expect this to surprise anyone here now. For the first few days of the crash, I kept borrowing my brother?s computer to get lobi, but it got too irritating to organise after a while... now I just check daily to see if I can…
I?m also getting a crash with ticket 18897741. Interestingly, during the similar crash issues I had last month, it was crashing at around 70% of the progress bar on the Cryptic screen, where this time the bar reaches about there then the screen changes as if to go to the LoR screen, then crashes from there. So I?m not sure…
If, while they?re inserting the voicing, they could fix the numerous cases of objective markers being in the wrong place in the early Klingon missions, that would make them a lot more pleasant to replay...
Most of the chatter about graphics cards was probably caused by me wondering if this was only occurring among players with ATI cards. I wasn?t intending to indicate that those graphics cards should be unable to play the game, only that whatever this particular bug was may have had a tendency to occur among those cards,…
Yeah, a few people have Intel cards, so it doesn?t seem like it?s only ATI cards; I?m not sure anyone has had problems with a Nvidia card, though. Anyway, I don?t think this is a case where the solution is to buy a new video card, but knowing that there?s a pattern among video cards may be useful information to the support…
I can?t help wondering if this is related to ATI video cards... I feel like they?ve been mentioned a lot in people?s posts up to now. Is this happening to anyone who -isn?t- using an ATI Radeon card? This problem -does- occur for me on my computer that uses a Radeon X1600, but not on the one that uses a Nvidia card...