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What is the Arc Client?
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banek8 Arc User



  • Well if you were stunned a year and a half ago, imagine how I'm feeling now! LOL Let's see, the first post was on 12. 12. 2010 ... Seriously, it's gonna be 3 years soon and this wasn't fixed? If you guys can't or won't fix this then at least put a damn note in the mission somewhere that tells you that you can't complete it…
  • So lemme just try to clarify a few things here ... There was a good point about updates being done on thursdays which leaves very little room for any emergency changes ... But if it is as someone said, that it's the time with the least "traffic" I assume that you have some way of measuring the amount of "traffic", so my…
  • Yup, I think I've got an ATI card as well, could be it ... So as far as I understand most of us can't get past the CRYPTIC loading screen where it crashes to desktop, but there's also some that get to the character selection screen and then can't get past that, and some that even get in the game and it's just messing up…
  • Same here, took 4 hours of waiting just for the game to crash in the same way ... And guys, I hear some borderline threatening things from some of you and I'm not feeling comfortable about that ... Now I don't know if such issues are regular, as I said I only started playing two weeks ago, but Brandon is probably not the…
  • Couldn't agree more! Also I read all the existing 14 pages in the meanwhile ... From the top of my head these are my specs, OS xp sp3, 1gb ram, not sure about the graphics card, it's something integrated and should be 128 or 256mb ... It's a dinosaur of a computer, and I had to run the game with minimum graphics so it…
  • Ok guys, I finally found the thread I was looking for! I read the first message to find out that this is exactly what I'm experiencing, after engaging the game crashes to desktop with the progress bar being about 80% full ... Since then I've tried everything, even uninstalled and re-installed the game, and I always get the…
  • Ok guys, I cannot start new threads because I haven't used the forum so I hope that some of you might be able to help with my issue. I will simply copy->paste what I added to the ticket that I sent with the "CrypricError" thingy ... After the maintenance on october 3rd I started the launcher, signed in, waited for it to…