So each fleet controls the flow of resources in and out, as well as which projects other member fleets have access to for donations. Now, can these settings be changed once a project is underway? Can a fleet put a temporary "ban" on certain donations and then lift that restriction once all members have had a chance to…
Yeah, had to edit my post above, due to the fact that I read and re-read that differently. From the way that it is written here, it would seem that each fleet controls which projects are available for "outside donation". The big question is this: Are the resources handled the same way (project by project) or is it a simple…
I see where it states this in the original post, BUT is this going to actually become a point of contention? Is there going to be a simple "on/off" switch controlling donations, or is there going to be some kind of "donation limit"? This is why I really wish that the devs would not try to "build suspense" about things like…
What else would you expect? Big fleets with people stockpiling resources will be able to dump those resources into smaller fleets. Meanwhile, individuals that actually have a life and don't spend hundreds of dollars (or whatever currency) on this game each month are screwed when they find that the only resources that they…
I really hope that the devs pull their collective sh** together and do this feature correctly. The whole core concept of both Delta Rising and Iconian War is that the player is part of an overall Starfleet/KDF/Romulan Alliance. Making the Armada feature factional would be asinine and pointless. So, does anyone else expect…
I have to agree wholeheartedly. However, the devs neither care nor read these forums. Hell, I'm surprised that they still put these kinds of threads up. No wonder the power creep in this game is exponential... The devs don't have enough common sense to actually ask players how to solve simple situations. Seriously, though.…
You and me both. The whole "Open Sector Space" has been something I have been looking forward to since I joined back in 2009. However, the biggest fear I have is going to be that Crapstick will break the entire Sector Space portion of the game and decide to fix it by releasing "Sector Space Bypass tokens" in the Z-Store…
This just in from the Crapstick Corp of Engineers: The recent influx of Omega Particles is playing havoc with the delicate biological components of the core servers. The hamsters are suffering strokes, heart attacks, and worse yet, a small percentage have devolved into a strange creature called a "developer". These…
Epic ... +5 to you, good sir/ma'am. On a more serious note, today's lag is brought to you, courtesy of the Crapstick R&D department. "Constantly looking for new and exciting ways to TRIBBLE up the game."
In all actuality, that episode is quite vague on exactly who is the clone and who is the original. The ship that is emitting the bursts considers themselves the "Prime Ship", but it could be the other way around... But anywhoo ... Nice integration of early Voyager episodes, Cryptic.
Yeah ... Keep telling yourself that and it just might happen. The sad fact is that this company could care less about its player base, as long as the whales keep buying Zen and pumping it into the Dil Exchange and buying keys on the ZStore to open the lockboxes that they spend time creating, rather than on actually fixing…
In response to your sig, decronia: They already thought about trying that. But they couldn't figure out how to link the forum account to the game account properly.
Tell me about it. Why is it that Cryptic STILL refuses to understand the simple law of MMOs: Events are good. Recurring events are better. Scheduled recurring events are the best, as long as they repeat at an interval that allows them to be enjoyable. Why in Spock's name do we have weekend events only every other weekend?…
Ouch. I thought it would have only been Ultra-Rare ... Legendary at the best. You just KNOW that there is some little troll out there that read your post and is trying to understand why thinking would be on a drop table......
Heard that some PvP whiners are crying that Carrier Pets are overpowered ... There's your next nerf. Btw, if anyone is curious as to WHY carrier pets seem powerful ... maybe it is because they are SUPPOSED to be about 50 to 60 percent of a carrier's DPS ability. It's not like you can't obliterate them easily with just a…
Alright, I read through the last 6 pages of replies since my last post, and here are still MORE reasons that the crafting system base design, as it stands, is flawed: thetantine, THIS is what killed the old crafting system. Fixed recipes that became obsolete as the game was added to. And I think tilarta really hit the nail…
Could not agree with you more, mattachine. Just so that my ideas don't get buried in the thread, this is a repost of my original post back on page 68. This following post was made on page 69. AdjudicatorHawk, please do not release a shoddy system. If the suits are breathing down your neck, remind them that shoddy systems…
Could not agree more. All that this "revamp" is is a rehash of a failed system. TO ADJUDICATORHAWK and the rest of the devs working on this crafting system, Please junk the pathetic "fixed item crafting" that has plagued STO forever. The crafting system SHOULD be completely modular. Utilize the Doff system for creating…
Compensate you? Really? How about you are compensated by the fact that they keep the servers running for another 24 hours so that you can pretend that you are doing more than simply sitting at a computer and getting bent over pixels and program code....
Nah, this is all Q's doing. Everyone whining about "we want this now" and "Why work for free stuff?" got him seriously unhappy. So he shut off the universe and is now adjusting reality so that those individuals never existed. So, when you whiners log in and it comes back "Account Not Found", you'll know why. You have been…