I would like to update this for players like me in 2020. There is no "big hologram ship" in ESD anymore. To get the Fireworks Emote, free faction ev suits go to ESD in front of Admiral Quinn's office. Turn around and there is a Caition officer standing in front of the console you need. It is above and overlooks the big ESD…
I found the codes on the Groupee site but it does appear that you have to have or reinstall the Arc launcher-enter codes- then exit and/or proceed to log in as usual.
> @crypticarmsman said: > .(Quote) > > “and having the Donnie Advanced Phasers spawnable for free (not 40K Dilithium a pop)” Not free, 40k a pop, same price as spiral wave disruptors.
> @mikeblackwolf said: > I would be willing to purchase the Laforge holo unit as 800 for a account unlock is very appealing. > However > Until my attempts to purchase Zen via Steam stop taking me to your website I shall not be purchasing naught ^^^^ Yep, until the Steam Wallet compatibly issue is fixed my birthday bucks…
I hope I'm not too late! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/786361708170535351/C74DC8D3B0D57FF11EB966616EDF8ECF928B6E2C/ " I eat losers for breakfast " @axl187