No, the ship animation work in space (not sector space), it rotate correctly, but in sector space, the ship will do the spore jump animation, not by rotating on it's own axis like a wheel, but by doing a complete circle (so the ship just do a sort of rock & roll animation) .
Yea, i hope it will come soon on the Phoenix Pack, Mudd's store prices are very hight for what it actually is, also even with 200 packs, i only got 5 ultra rare and 0 epic token ... :/
On the Mirror Crossfield, i have the same problem, when transwarp in sector space, the ship do something like Rock And Roll ability instead of rotating on the X axis ... I have this issue on the PC version .
I want it to be fixed, i really want to use it to teleport the U.S.S. Gagarin, but it's bugged, so it's still active since 2021, but i only use it for the cool animation ... :/