I have a couple of plots for Suvel. One that involves a personal matter from his past on Vulcan, and one titled "Rise of Section 31", which I just began.
Finally back to posting regularly :P Oh, another thing, when ESD personnel detect the transport, make sure nobody actually finds the ship, as it's got an extremely advanced cloaking device :P
-2200 Hours, ESD Medical Ward- Suvel awoke to a noise near his biobed. His acute Vulcan senses picked up humanoid presence. "If you are attempting to utilize stealth to get to me, you have been unsuccessful." The voice spoke, "Computer, lights." When Suvel's eyes adjusted to the new brightness, they focused in on the…
"Suvel, you've had an accident," a young female Benzite nurse came over to the biobed he was laying on. "What sort of accident? I cannot seem to move my appendages." "Well, apparently one of the power generators caused a small rupture in one of the coolant tanks, and that just so happened to fall directly on you, crushing…
Y'all, I'm about to go on vacation and won't be back until Tuesday. Let's just forget about Suvel for the moment (I already have a way to get him to have an accident, even if I come back and months have passed).
Suvel led his team of engineers and his first officer to the engineering level. A young ensign wearing gold came up to him, "Sir, what is going on? Two of the power generators just went offline, with no prior warnings. My supervisor, Lieutenant Commander Zera just disappeared in to thin air." Suvel directed his team to…
I've got this idea for Suvel. In game, I usually have him in (nearly) full-body "supports" (tailor kits that look like a supportive exoskeleton). In game, he had an accident way back at Captain (when I first added the supports) that caused his mobility to be hindered and him to be partially paralyzed. I'm thinking that…
"Suvel here. I will lead a team of engineers to Power Generator Four." He tapped his combadge, "Suvel to Sarai." "Paul here," came the reply. "Transport down to my location with a team of engineers. We are going to attempt to restore power to one of the generators. Use a site-to-site transport, as the Spacedock…
Suvel noticed the power fluctuations as he walked towards the ESD transporters. "Suvel to Admiral Chekov. Admiral, come in, please." No response. Suvel pointed at two security officers by the transporter, "Come with me." He jogged back towards the brig. Karin will have to wait.
Suvel received a communication, "Captain Suvel, this is ESD comm control." "Suvel here." "There is a man by the name of Karin Yovel here who is looking for you." Suvel stiffened, after all these years? He paused for a moment, "On my way."
Suvel stood there and watched as they attempted to rouse the Infamous. He turned to Vice Admiral Nakari, "Perhaps a mind meld would tell us what we need to know? I have been exceptionally trained in the art of a retrieval meld. Almost completely non-invasive, there is a zero-point-four percent chance of mental damage to…
Suvel transported over to ESD from the Sarai, intent on having a conversation with Elihu. He'd earlier seen something in the man's eyes as he passed him on his way to a holding cell. Suvel was, in fact, curious. He began to walk towards the security office.
By the way, @rattler2 , if a starship's deflector exploded, that would have an extremely high chance of obliterating the ship. First Contact shows a good example of that. Just thought you should know, not that I'm berating you for doing that, just making an observation. :smiley: