In case you guys want it, further down on this page (under the heading of, shockingly, "MATH") is a link to the spreadsheet for figuring the acc overflow stuff. As I recall, the guys also discuss it in the video.
...and one more thing: To AuxToBatt, or not to AuxToBatt? Dropping Aux will diminish Sci performance and Hangar recharge, but with the upside of cycling APO and FAW3 more frequently, would it be worth it? (also the reason I ask is, I have the techs for A2B, but not the EC for the Attack Pattern recharge DOffs, for now)…
I am actually a total NWS noob...I've been in that mission a couple times and have read about some tactics for it, but that's about it. Will have to give it some more serious effort now, I guess. Gotta say, I'm surprised to see such a torp-heavy build, considering there's a bunch of ships with shields you gotta fight? And…
Good suggestion...totally neglected to think about grabbing Tet Glider if i'm stocking up on Flow Cap! (currently, with the 2 RomSci consoles, my captain training, and the +17-ish from the deflector, i'm at 160-something Flow Cap skill. Can get around another 10 I think if i decide to get a mk xii JH deflector. But i'm…
I'll go back and check it. 20% was the number in my head in my current ship where i have assim, tachyo and Zero Point console. Have a few Sup Operatives. 20% might be the total with APA running? Will take a look. EDIT: My crit chance right now is 17.4%. BOffs contribute to 7.5% of that chance currently. APA bumps it to…
OP, I think I've seen variants of this being used on the J-Dred and maybe even J-HEC and TS Adapted Destroyer. They're all just a smidge short on Engineering power, so I'd think they'd be rather squishy running this. Especially TSAD running it with the 2 Lt Unis as Engies. You have any feedback on this build's…
Question about the wisdom of running without torps, as was suggested earlier in the thread. Whenever I've tried 'energy-only' builds in STFs, my DPS seemed to be some degree lower than when I ran with torps. I chalked this up to the fact that, given the number of non-shielded targets in STFs, you get a little more mileage…
For a couple ideas on Orb Weaver PvE builds, take a look at this thread, and pay attention to the posts by Maelwy5.
If it is 'just' for the console, then no. It is amusing in some circumstances in STFs (Donatra does fit inside nicely). The Orb Weaver is a ship definitely worth flying if you like Science ships, though.
Great purchase! D'kora is a great ship. Generally speaking, you will want to switch on Battle Mode and stay there, unless you need to go more defensive briefly. I have not revised my D'Kora setup for the new S7 gear yet, because my Engie drives my D'Kora and I…
Posted that right before i hit the road to work, then realized i hadn't checked to see if it that thing was a weapon or a console (I've been playing with the Chel Grett lately, and was thinking it was a console like the CG's Energy Dissipating weapon). Just got enough Lobi to pick the tachyokinetic, so things are lookin…
I'm a fan of your double Aux2Batt Fleet Excel. In your update, you include the 'temporal' console. I was *assuming* you meant the Tachyokinetic for the turn and crit bonuses, not the Temporal Disruption Device console?
I've had no problem getting the reward. 1) Are you taking the "Halting the Gorn Advance (Daily)" version of the mission? There is also a "Halting the Gorn Advance" mission which has its own rewards, separate from the Dilithium/Fleet Marks reward of the 'Daily' version. The 'Daily' version is not necessarily available every…
read here... (go to post #156) I've been using a double A2B build on my Fleet Excel for PvE with my Tac Captain. Works great. :)
/thread necromancy I started flying my Orb last night with my Science captain, using a revised version of this build. Tricky to get everything lined up and working efficiently!! But, I like it when i have to stay on my toes with a build...much more fun than parking your escort in front of a target and turning from a…
I am currently enjoying the Fleet Excelsior on my Tac, using a double Aux2Batt build and AP performs rather well. three purple tech doffs is a little pricey right now though. (EDIT: that above link is a rather decent cruiser thread, but bear in…
Thanks for responses. Sorry, should've clarified: he is using mk xii borg weaponry. I'd heard (at least maybe before last patch?) that the [borg] proc was still firing. Even if that's the case, safe to assume it won't continue to be that way if it still is. Since hitting the target in PvE is not really a problem, I think I…
I actually think that the three Purple Tech Doffs helps the double Aux2Batt build work more smoothly. While its a matter of a second or two, i feel like it makes the whole sequence just flow a little better. I agree, throwing ET into the mix is a good idea. To clarify for you, OP, you have to include an EPtAux in the mix…
Important note about Antiprotons: be sure your skills are set up to take advantage of their special ability (crit severity). Train your captain skills up well for Targeting Systems and Energy Weapons Specialization, to increase number and magnitude of crits.
Engie in an escort have a more survivable escort. You won't have the Tac captain's ability to boost damage, but I don't think that automatically means you shouldn't be flying one. I've never really been sold on the idea that Engies *ought* to stick to cruisers, but if you are looking for 'tankage' then yeah…
I'm very concerned about these changes in S7, enough so that it may make me look elsewhere for my MMO time. I am okay with a certain level of monetization to fuel this kind of MMO f2P model, but with these changes, I think it is going too far. Starbase stuff has been fun enough i suppose, and came along with some decent…
I'd been hoping to run across a Nebula update from you, Maelwys...thanks! :) Couple of questions: - are you sticking with 1xDBB and 2xTorp at the moment? - with the increased 'push' of TBR3, are you able to keep them in range for all the damage pulses? (even with zero'd out Aux from Aux2Bat, I would've thought TBR3 would…
Did you mean to recommend the Mirror Assault Cruiser, instead? If I'm not totally off my rocker, that's the one that looks like the regular Star Cruiser, but has the Assault Cruiser-like stats, yes?