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astarte05 Arc User



  • We have V'Ger. We've been mauling V'Gers in Borg RAs and Hive Onslaughts for years. :sunglasses:
  • Lame...I mean really, how hard can it be to get a guy to read the lines, but whatever. Still doesn't explain the font removal though.
  • So, for the record, as much as I don't like Voyager, and I don't, I wouldn't mind seeing a Voyager with cannons bolted onto it and whatnot. Although IIRC The Avenger-class was supposed to pay homage to that, so in a way, we already have it. Anyway, my thoughts on lockbox ships: - Cardassian Hutet-class. It was the massive…
  • Soooooo does this count as the T6 Connie people have been wanting since I started playing this game in 2012?
  • 1. Yeah, but we went from "several dozen ships being obliterated by one cube" to "one Intrepid-class ship, one female Starfleet captain, and /infinitecoffee being able to fly straight through Borg space and live to tell about it" to the player's ship being able to successfully, singlehandedly destroy Borg ships, and I'm…
  • Not sure if trolling, or....
  • Or shall we just do like PWE's current shtick, and "Suddenly, Tholians/Mirror Universe/Elachi!" And all this talk of licensing....license this, license that, they could work something, out same with....you know, my other forum post, that I won't mention here, before that one consumes this one with its levels of hatedom and…
  • I would so fly that.
  • As we say in the Warhammer 40k universe quite often, "HERESY!" Besides, I seriously don't think I've ever, and I mean ever, seen an Exeter in space. Maybe because it's a Z-Store ship, but whatever. Regardless, I seriously don't think anyone owns, let alone flies, an Exeter, and even if Exeters were popular, there's no…
  • Because I've never had someone dislike me in STO, before, evar. :3 So sure CBS and Crpytic and PWE and whoever can't, because licensing this and rights that, but...who's to say that doesn't change in a year or two from now? I mean.....stuff happens. Again. Ijs. Plus I don't think there'd be that much rage about a JJ-Prise…
  • 1. You also forgot the Miranda and Excelsior, KDF's B'Rel BoP, and the Rommies' T'Liss warbird, since we're talking about centuries-old ships. Doesn't stop people from flying them, though. 2. Tac: I see your point about the JJ-Prise being as big as, and thus flying like, an Oddy. But meh, I've flown ships that big with…
  • This threat gets funnier and funnier. xD
  • You uh....kinda got PESTF mixed up with ESTF, there, slick...
  • Awww, Reuben <3 So um. Why's this post still going on? It pretty much boils down to... 1. Chat is allowed 2. Astarte, and all her ilk, stay 3. Games still launch 4. If you don't like it, use the ignore button, or 4. Gee Tee Eff Ohh. I mean, seriously. People act like, if I logged on and said "What's everyone doing this…
  • Hi! You know this handle very well, it's the "certain female player" that you all love and loathe so very much. So um, what I don't get is, why people don't get that PublicEliteSTF was created to be the opposite of EliteSTF. Essentially, we are the Romulus to EliteSTF's Vulcan. Which means yes, we can talk about…
  • Give them time dude, Season 6 is what, barely a month old? They're in the works, rest assured. Granted, optimism seems to be at a premium in this game nowadays, but still...with how big Season 6 is, and with how much they have in store for STO over the next YEAR, new and more rewarding fleet missions have to be in the…
  • I'll build off that one. - Or if nothing else, why can't we Full Impulse at Red Alert, IMHFO that seems like the one thing you'd wanna be able to do while your ship is at peak combat readiness, as you'd need the speed to 1. Quickly move to render assistance somewhere else (Starbase Blockade, I'm looking at you), or 2. To…
  • Besides which, it'd last about two hours before it gets subjected to STF complaining, politics/religion debate, and Gorn jokes like ESD (Lmao, I need to go to bed, I seriously almost wrote "TRIBBLE") or DS9. Trolls gonna troll.
  • Just cause my '1000 Paper Cuts' post has this in spades, it's simple, really. It'd ruin a lot of people's immersion in the game to have a battleship be...well, a battleship. I mean, for some, bigger ships just mean more science labs and R/D centers than phaser capacitors or torpedo bays. I did see two good points though.…
  • Or, implying that a BoP doesn't NEED 36 people, they can run a skeleton crew of 12. But yes, the Defiant could be made smaller or more compact, though like I said, one of its variants is about as compact as it can get, I imagine, it seriously looks like the Defiant after a huge budget cut. Another thought, since I keep…
  • It's for the pewpew fanatics. I mean, seriously, "peace and exploration" can only get you so far, would YOU play an MMO that involved the Federation's "true" mission, i.e. "Scan This Nebula for A Week and Report To Starfleet With Findings"? Every franchise has its fans that are more geared towards their favorite…
  • I saw that, I actually Googled its size to have an idea of how big it is, and apparently there was some conflicts even when the Defiant was shown in the shows and movies over how long it actually was, and its scale compared to other things, i.e. DS9 (when it's shown docked with it) or the Enterprise-E (ST: First Contact,…
  • Pfft, speak for yourself, there's a reason my main character's name is Astarte. :D ...Though, to be fair, I'd be a Sister of Battle instead of Astartes, due to my actual gender, but no one would recognize "Sororitas" (Space Marines are Adeptus Astartes, Battle Sisters are Adepta Sororitas [And all this is from Warhammer…
  • * = The Emperor's Chosen is a name I took, like my username, from Warhammer 40,000. Not Emperor Kahless. Some of you will be discouraged that it's not "Star Trek"-ish enough, or that being in a fleet with "Emperor" in it just isn't conducive to your immersion or roleplay preferences, but eh. 1. It beats "____th…
  • Oh, I'm not talking about the Atrox, I mean a different ship entirely. As in, create another carrier, create a Defiant Lite for it, and use that. Cause again, voQuvs can launch BoPs, why can't Starfleet launch a ship that's pretty much the same size and crew complement? I mean, there is the gameplay side to things, but…