You guys are such negative Nancys. Just because you think the video should be immediately available after the livestream doesn't mean it has or even needs to be. Check your sense of entitlement at the door, please. Also, the Community Manager and Borticus aren't obligated to hold a live stream to be convenient for any…
I somehow lost my Red Matter Capacitor. I recently came back to the game after a little while away, and it and my subspace nullifier are no where in my inventory, bank, account bank, or equipped to any of my ships. I'm not worried about the subspace nullifier since I can just go do the mission that rewards it, but the Red…
I'm cancelling my monthly subscription as of today, and won't be spending another dime on this game until I see some improvements. As it is, I don't see myself even playing a month from now if the last two weeks is any indication of what we can expect from the developers and Cryptic.
Why am I not surprised? And after all this down time, they will have broken something else, or not fixed half of the other known issues. I swear, if these guys worked for me, some of them would be getting pink slips for crappy workmanship.
Oh man, I wish. But they are just too dang expensive for me right now. I think they're going for around 40-something EC on the exchange right now. I'm saving up for them, though.
Thank you edalgo. One of the hardest things for me is choosing my boff abilities. Your advice is exactly one of the things I was looking for. As far as what you said about the JHAS not being the easiest to fly, I would be inclined to agree. I think I have gotten the hang of it, though, and adopted a strategy that's been…
So, as I said before, I got lucky and acquired a JHAS last night. Just when I had finally finished perfecting my build on my FPER, it looks like I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board haha. Anyways, this is what I am now using. I basically just adapted the build that jjdez was kind enough to help me out with and I…
Yeah, I am finding that out. With the current setup I have now, I'm actually finding it really easy to stay alive without having to rely on ET. I pretty much got exactly what I asked for in that I'm giving out much more damage than I was with my previous setup, and I'm not getting blown up hardly at all now.
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I have implemented the changes you suggested and they've been working great! It feels like my ship is hitting harder, and surviving is a little easier. It's hard for me to get used to not having ET as a boff ability, but at the same time I have only gotten blown up twice out of 6 STFs…
After looking at your build suggestions, I think I can implement everything but the traits. I don't have all the traits available to me that you listed in there. Would your suggested build still work well with the traits I had in my original?