No I don't think you understand. Everybody against T6 ships are saying that T6 ships are so vastly superior to T5 upgraded ships that they are forced to upgrade to T6 ships. They know this because...reasons. I am ok with the T6 ships. I will upgrade my ships and they will be awesome. However, I do agree that people want to…
Um. Could you please explain how fleet ships are obsolete? They have an extra console slot, and have more hull and shields? Did Cryptic make weapons obsolete before, when they went from borg weapons to fleet weapons?
Why would anybody buy new ships if your current ships can be upgraded to T6? If my scimi were a T6 then there is absolutely no reason to buy a T6 ship.
If you don't want to grind then pay money. I personally would rather grind than pay money. Simple. In every game there is grinding. Its not like STO hasn't done this before. Before there was fleet gear there was the borg gear. I grinded for that and when they released fleet gear I grinded for that too. So what is your…
Its a little bit of a grind. Isn't any MMO a grind? I play maybe an hour a day to grind. If you don't like it can I have all of your stuff when you leave?
Oh is doing surveys for free zen or using the dil exchange paying for anything? And they said that it would be competitive. Some people with the best ships out there don't know how to pilot a starship and would lose to me in a tier 1 ship.
OK so tell me this oh wise one. STO is free to play right? And we are not paying for this upcoming expansion, right? So how is Cryptic supposed to make money? And are you really complaining about 5 bucks. If you need that 5 bucks so bad maybe you need to reevaluate your expenses. And I bought my lifetime membership while…
I don't understand this at all. You says that people prefer to fly their favorite ships? That isn't what this game is about. I would prefer to fly around in my voyager ship as a warship and take out Scimitars. But that ship isn't an escort. If I want to just sit there and shoot at people I have to have an escort type ship.…
You can't have a business not be about the money. And I do hear people say that there is little if any "Star Trek" left in STO. But those are just words. What is "Star Trek"? And how would you put "Star Trek" in STO. If you are going to complain than please have a solution for your complaint.