I noticed this thread. Since then has anyone completed this accolade? Has anyone captured it on video for us all to learn from as it's driving me insane.
Just sort out the bugs and accolades Cryptic. Its so annoying having accolades that are incompletable. The missions of the breen set rarely give us their capital ships even on elite. Come on lets balance things out people!
Now I know that Gene Rogenberry is American and so is Paramount and so is Cryptic/PWE. But why in the name of God is there never a decent convention in the United Kingdom, home of Patrick Stewart! Or any other country for that matter? America isn't the only country who enjoys the ST franchise. Not everyone can afford to…
Guys am I going blind as I cannot find either boss for the hybrid zone (SW area) I've searched all night for an image or something to help me locate him but to no avail. Can someone please give me specifics on where to go to find the boss in this particular area? Thank you in advance.
Just built a new system with an intel I7-3770 using a Gigabyte Z77X-UD3H and installed the complete motherboard driver set and getting similar results as you guys. What specific drivers do I need to remove or is there a latest set for my intel chipsets? Just uninstalled the chipset drivers and the same thing is still…