ticket 18897741 this has been going on for 2 weeks and it's bull TRIBBLE we're about to miss out on a ship sale.You guys know what that means? people are buying ships they want right now at 15% off and by the time we are going to be able to play that sale will be over. that means we'll be paying full price for ships people…
error id 18897741 whatb is the world comming to I can't play sto I also cant't watch Star Trek TNG because of TRIBBLE TRIBBLE Doctor who I hope they fix this
I tried logging in today and got the same thing I got for a week,HMMM are they ever going tp fix this problem? I think they have forgotten about us.ERROR ID.18897741
stardate 18897741 captains log I'm experencing difficulties in my day to day life style my ship has disapeard with out a trace and now I'm forced to stay on nimbus 3 ARE THEY EVER GOING TO FIX THIS?OR ARE WE JUST GOING TO WATE untill their next MISTAKE. ticket 18897741
star date 18897741 captains logg urgent my ship dosn't seem to be working while the cryptic engeniers try to figure out with they messed up I guess I'll have a prolonged stay on Nimbus 3 :D
I have a friend that has been playing it,and man let me tell you he is bragging too much cause he can play and I can't. It just boils my blood I guess they're going to try and get us back online during their next maintnence :mad:
I wish I knew I have already updated windows media player and java and still get Error ID 18897741 now I guess we have to be patiant with cryptic and let them fix their mistakes
IS THERE ANYTHING I can do on my part to make this game act rite I can not log on it is anoying as hell I really would like to be able to play and well everytime I try I get the same thing 18897741 what dose this mean:mad:
I too am having issues with the start up and have tried everything to find away around it and so far it still crashes after the criptic loading page I'm hoping that they fix the problem today I missed out on a lot of stuff yesturday, and I'm hoping to logg in later and actualy get to play :confused:
:confused:I have not been able to logg in since the last maintnence I have windows xp and don't know whats going on I like playing S T O but haven't been able to I hope this problem gets fixed with the maintinence comming up .
I have not been able to logg in since the last maintnence I have windows xp and don't know whats going on I like playing S T O but haven't been able to I hope this problem gets fixed with the maintinence comming up .