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apacheone5565 Arc User



  • Welcome to Risa as you embark on your quest for pearls and credits bear in mind that we do not have enough servers to supply the public so you will start off smoothly and then as the server gets loaded down lag times wil increase making your quest harder and harder.Have a nice day.
  • As of today and since this game came out there have been login issues someday this game will have a season added in that they allow us to do alpha and beta testing before it crashes the server and your computer.
  • :mad:Welcome to a whole new bunch of issues.As with this update access to bank accounts have been lost. I am getting tired of the constant problems with this game and I think its time all of us stop being used ast he beta testers.
  • To all of you guys having the same problem with borg missions got a email from cryptic they are aware of the problem and are tring to fix it it may take a light year o two to get it fixed but I think they are having bigger issues with there server being overloaded or being Hack or they created a very unstable program and…
  • To all of you trekkies out there: It is my belief tht our game has been hack, that may be one of the reasons that we are having so many problems with the game.While going into PVE I pasted a screen shot for perfect world to see that under names CGE is coming up.Also during fleet event today I did not get the amount of…
  • To all of you trekkies out there: It is my belief tht our game has been hack, that may be one of the reasons that we are having so many problems with the game.While going into PVE I pasted a screen shot for perfect world to see that under names CGE is coming up.Also during fleet event today I did not get the amount of…
  • I am gald someone put a list together of alll the bugs I have a few to add if they have not been added. 1 Since new romulus up date lag has been real bad I guess due to servers not working correctly it is simple things try to turn ship and every 30 secs there is up to 6 sec delay. 2 transfer to next mission or next part of…
  • Hi if you guys are doing maintainence is there any patches for hailing cammand after a borg mission and repairing the lag that has been going on in the game.Since the new Romulus came out I have lag up to 4 seconds waiting for ship to turn or fire weapons. Its like the keyboard died.Just FYI I have a 35/35MB up/down…
  • My question to the star trek guys is that why did you guys not do any beta testing or at least put the update on a seperate server and allow the public to test this program seperate from what we had ? I have been seeing lag on a fiber optic connection Like I have never seen before I feel like at times I am connected to a…
  • As to your statement above I see you have no concept of what a server which is where this program is kept with a basic interface software to your computer with one bad line of code put in during a update could do to your computer! Just a FYI when the release came out a week ago about 50 pct of the people that play this…
  • It has been said to me that no beta testing is being done and perfect world is saving money by releasing a faulty game and having the public do the beta testing.also fleet marks now have gone out the window and you are being force to do fleet missions which getting 3 fleet marks for some reason or another with maybe 10…
  • I am glad that I am not the only one having trouble with borg missions in getting awards.I have sent them 6 bug reports And still have not gotten a reply.glad they do beta testing :cool:LOL
  • I am having the same problem got new ship and cannot load any officer into a stsion but I can change them on other ships.just added ship from 700 vet to a new toon.