Only downside I see to the tier 5 upgrade is theirs a lot of people with the level progression ships who havnt bought the Cstore upgrades or prefer the progression ships seating over the Cstore version that wont be able to upgrade An example here the Assault Cruiser for the Federation cant be upgraded but the Cstore Refit…
Unfortunately you are actually Wrong about the lexington been 1709. The Original one was but there have been 2 others with different NCC numbers Which is common for starfleet. A new ship is usualy built and it will have a completely new NCC number to a past ship baring the same name. The Enterprise is a rare exception to…
This is true the Ha'nom is a T5 End game ship. Which you can get for free at lvl40 aka Subadmiral 1 (RA). T5 or End Game ships all start at lvl40 not the lvl point (VA) the VA ones are just the Expensive Cstore gimmick console ships or the Advanced fleet ships that still need Zen or losts of EC for the Mods
The Ship should be in a lock box in you inventory. Just Double click to open it and will bring up the naming process like ships you get at level up. Then to select the ship go to the shipyards at either New Rom or the Flotilla or you allies bases and then go to select ship and should be there waiting for you select it like…
I'm in the same boat for my fleet. Started off with a group of 8 RL friends but overtime they have all drifted from the game. So mainly me just active now in my fleet across a few alts that have taken the station onto Tier 2 solo. But I'm in no rush to get the fleet ships I'm more then happy with what I have from the…
Aye this is pretty much the Case. The Cstore VA ships do have a tiny bit more power then the non Cstore free ships. But really they arn't that big of a leap and some arnt as good IMHO example here is the Free Assault Cruiser compaired to the Bad Exploration Cruiser Retrofit. But yeah the only real big difference in stats…
Then Please stop confusing the Ha'feh as a T4 ship its lvl 40 so that makes it a T5 ship and actually a very powerfull ship. Any ship that is from the Lvl40 store aka RA is a T5 same as VA ships are T5 which include all the fleet ships. The Shipyard Tier for the ship just decides how much of a pain it is to get the ship…
This is correct. Any Ship that you get for free at lvl 40 aka Rear Admiral, Brigadier General, Subadmiral. Are all T5 Ships Tier 1 is lvl 1-9 Rank Titles Ensign, Warrior, Civilian and Lieutenant Tier 2 is lvl 10-19 Rank Titles Lieutenant Commander and Centurion Tier 3 is lvl 20-29 Rank Titles Commander and Subcommander…
The Ha'nom is a T5 ship as T5 starts from RA (lvl40). Pretty much lists all the Tiers here and what level they Kick in at As for the Ha'nom its a good ship for the Sci captain until you can get the fleet version of it.
Actually the D'kry Vulcan Science ship is a T5 its a Rear Admiral lvl 40 ship hence why cant fly as Romulan due to it been a T5 or Admiral grade ship. Tier 1 - LT (Lvl 1 - 9) Tier 2 - LTC (Lvl 10 - 19) Tier 3 - Cmd (Lvl 22 - 29) Tier 4 - Cap (Lvl 30 - 39) Tier 5 - RA/VA (Lvl 40 - 50) - Faction ships can't be used by Rom…
This is the Pre patching for the New Legacy of Romulus due for release tomorrow on the 21st of May. I would Advise if your bandwidth allows it to complete it as will make the large patch somewhat faster for when the Update gets released tomorrow as it is pretty big.
Wasnt Trying to Say anything about the turn rates of the ship. My Point was it feels fine the way it is. It dosnt need to be made to turn faster was the point of my post. I fly cruisers on the Fed and Kdf and have done since game launch and in beta in 2010. So for me I dont have a problem with slow turning ships which the…
Found the ship to fly pretty much how you'd expect it to fly. It?s not a tiny little Escort or Mogai Warbird it?s a huge ship by comparison to Say the both the Federations Galaxy class or Sovereign class. Think its turn rate is more than accurate to its size. Size Comoarison between Galaxy and D'Deridex…
Not that I know of. Just have to wait until the open Beta. Which will be probably in the next week or two at a guess with the game update going live this month.
This Isn't actually a bug. At the moment Rom characters are for an Invite only Closed Beta that is going on at the moment. If you havnt got an invite email then you can't make one until open Beta. As for KDF you can import one from Holo to Tribble but they havnt unlocked the create new for anyone yet on Tribble
Now getting this probem of been stuck on the patch screen where it says patching but cant do anything and it sits like this constant for well an hour now. Have downloaded and replaced the launcher from the one thats supposed to fix the problem but didnt work either. What is going on
Well glad to see that its not just me getting it. Im over in the UK and yes its almost 4am here. And I've been getting the same error for 15 minutes and tried on all my alts and the same error as well.
Now Having this fault as well. Try to get into the game and the patch client wont load. Usualy gets tried connecting twice then Errors out. Was working fine up until and hour ago loged out as someone needed the computer came to log back in and suprise suprise it went and started these errors. Have had this before in the…
True true I see your point on that. I own the TOS connie from my pre Order back in 2010 but have to say I've actually never used it my self. On another note, Im looking forward to seeing what this so Called 1000 Day reward ship will be when i get to it which will be in 73 days. Hoping its not something annoying like the…
Flekh. That?s not fully true. The TOS Constitution is a playable ship. It?s a Zen Store ship or Pre order ship. And you can Edit the registration number then like all others ships. So I agree with the opening post. The ship should have its own registration number. But at the same time as it?s only a brief thing you see in…